Kiera Cass Quotes

Text Quotes
Break my heart for what breaks yours. Everything I am for you kingdom’s cause, as I walk from nothing to eternity (Kiera Cass Quotes)
Heal my heart and make it clean, open up my eyes to the things unseen, show me how to love like you have loved me (Kiera Cass Quotes)
If this were a simpler matter, I’d have eliminated everyone else by now. I know how I feel about you. Maybe it’s impulsive of me to think I could be so sure, but I’m certain I would be happy with you (Kiera Cass Quotes)
Because even though you’re dating five other women, I think I’m cheating on you (Kiera Cass Quotes)
You don’t do that. You don’t just leave your family. Sticking together... it’s the only way to survive (Kiera Cass Quotes)
Try patting them on the back or shoulder and telling them everything is going to be fine. Lots of times when girls cry, they don’t want you to fix the problem, they just want to be consoled (Kiera Cass Quotes)
You’re too beautiful for your own good. Once you leave, we’ll have to send some of the guards with you. You’ll never survive on your own, poor thing (Kiera Cass Quotes)
It wasn’t like I made his world better. It was like I was his world. It wasn’t some explosion; it wasn’t fireworks. It was a fire, burning slowly from the inside out (Kiera Cass Quotes)
I should have known that if any girl was going to disobey an order, it would be you (Kiera Cass Quotes)
So here I was expecting at the very best a cordial welcome from the girls who were prepared to fight me to the death for someone I didn’t want. Instead I was embraced (Kiera Cass Quotes)
Listen to me, kitten. Win or lose, you’ll always be a princess to me (Kiera Cass Quotes)
She must have been debating staying in the line or forcing me to run home and change (Kiera Cass Quotes)
Any girl who would risk her life for someone she loves certainly deserves to be called a lady (Kiera Cass Quotes)
It is fine to be upset, but that won’t get you anywhere. You gotta think about what you can learn from this. So far, looks like all you’ve learned is how to beat up on something that can’t beat you back (Kiera Cass Quotes)
There are some things you don’t learn about yourself until you let someone else into the most intimate places of your heart (Kiera Cass Quotes)
You deserved to be loved. And I hope you get to marry for love and not a number (Kiera Cass Quotes)
And I know it’s over, but it’s the same way I felt when you broke up with me (Kiera Cass Quotes)
You were the one who changed us when you left me in the tree house; and you keep thinking that if you push hard enough, you can make everything go back to before that moment. It doesn’t work that way. Give me a chance to choose you (Kiera Cass Quotes)
I know there was a time, when our country was new, when the assignment of these numbers helped organize something that was on the brink of not existing. But we are no longer that country. We are so much more now (Kiera Cass Quotes)
Maybe what I wanted was stupid. Maybe it wasn’t even something I could have. But, still it was mine. I didn’t think I could sacrifice my dreams, no matter how much my family meant to me (Kiera Cass Quotes)
I kind of wanted someone to rearrange the stars so they spelled out his words. I needed them big and bright, and somewhere I could see then when things felt dark. I love you. And I’m so, so proud (Kiera Cass Quotes)
All I knew was, even if she wasn’t mine, I wanted to leave her with a smile (Kiera Cass Quotes)
Ah yes, the man or the crown. I’m afraid some can’t tell the difference (Kiera Cass Quotes)
It was a special feeling, irreplaceable, that was priceless. No queen on the throne could feel more important than me (Kiera Cass Quotes)
I don’t know if I’m supposed to be holding on or letting go. I don’t want to give up, but if there’s nothing for me to hope for, then tell me (Kiera Cass Quotes)
I only wish I knew that you’d actually want to be with me when that time is over (Kiera Cass Quotes)
If you love me, love me now. don’t hold yourself so badly until tears starts to mean nothing (Kiera Cass Quotes)
All the talk in the world won’t undo what we are. They put us in a corner we could never get out of on our own, and they’re not in a rush to pull us out (Kiera Cass Quotes)
When we died, no one would know, and that fraction of a moment that was so important to who we were would be gone (Kiera Cass Quotes)
Could it be that simple? Tell one story to one generation and repeat it until it was accepted as fact? (Kiera Cass Quotes)