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Kimono Quotes

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We are totally open kimono with regulators  (Kimono Quotes) I am a camera with its shutter open, quite passive, recording, not thinking. Recording the man shaving at the window opposite and the woman in the kimono washing her hair. Some day, all this will have to be developed, carefully printed, fixed  (Kimono Quotes) The road was frozen. The village lay quiet under the cold sky. Komako hitched up the skirt of her kimono and tucked it into her obi. The moon shone like a blade frozen in blue ice  (Kimono Quotes) I think the silhouette of the kimono costume will become engraved in people’s minds. I do think there’ll be lots of red accents in the near future. For me personally, I can’t see myself flaunting around in a geisha uniform but it’ll make me smile when I see what others do with it  (Kimono Quotes) The wrap dress is the most traditional form of dressing: It’s like a robe, it’s like a kimono, it’s like a toga. It doesn’t have buttons or zippers. What made it different was that it was jersey; therefore, it was close to the body and it was a print  (Kimono Quotes) Tsukiko sits on the floor in the center of the room, wearing a red kimono. A beating crimson heart in the pale chamber.  (Kimono Quotes)