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Kiss Quotes

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I have already prepared my counter proposal. It reads thusly: you may strategically place your wonderful lips upon my posterior and kiss it repeatedly!  (Kiss Quotes) As soon as you get off stage, that’s the most dangerous time for a singer to kiss people because your vocal chords are receptive to any kind of germ  (Kiss Quotes) You don’t even really get used to doing scenes where you have to kiss, or be particularly intimate, with another person who’s not actually your lover in real life  (Kiss Quotes) Comedy is similar to hockey... in only one way. You get a lot of credit for assists. So I try to serve whatever the intention is, be it the joke or the story or the scene or the moment or the kiss, even if it’s not my joke or moment  (Kiss Quotes) Before you went to work this morning in the city, did you spend some time with your family? Did you kiss your wife and tell her that she’s pretty?  (Kiss Quotes) Expressions of affection, like putting your arm around someone’s shoulder, holding hands, or giving a kiss good night, involve the principle of honesty  (Kiss Quotes) Step 1, you find a girl to love. Step 2, she falls in love with you. Step 3, you kiss and hold her tightly  (Kiss Quotes) What do you get when you kiss a guy? You get enough germs to catch pneumonia. After you do, he’ll never phone you  (Kiss Quotes) I knew how to read a contract by 10 years old, but I didn’t know what it meant for somebody to come in and tell me they loved me and kiss me goodnight. That’s a problem  (Kiss Quotes) If I was not allowed to mention that I was in the film industry, I could go six months without getting a kiss  (Kiss Quotes) I have a couple of girlfriends who’ve told me some horror stories but I’ve never had a really terrible kiss before  (Kiss Quotes) Kiss me, and smile for me, tell me that you’ll wait for me. Hold me like you’ll never let me go  (Kiss Quotes) Let’s love, press your lips to mine. Let’s kiss, for that thrill divine  (Kiss Quotes) Love is a flower that blooms so tender, each kiss a dew drop of sweet surrender. Love is a moment of life enchanting, let’s take that moment that tonight is granting  (Kiss Quotes) You don’t know whether chimps are going to kill you or kiss you. They’re very open on some levels and much more evil in a certain way  (Kiss Quotes) Baby don’t wake me, let me take you on an endless journey. We touch and the softest kiss explodes with lust. It’s real and you can’t deny the heat you feel. And if I die before I wake, baby that’s all right  (Kiss Quotes) After all, what is a kiss? A vow made at closer range, a more precise promise, a confession that contains its own proof, a seal placed on a pact that has already been signed; it’s a secret told to the mouth rather than to the ear  (Kiss Quotes) Those sweet lips. My, oh my, I could kiss those lips all night long. Good things come to those who wait  (Kiss Quotes) I waited just to see you at that kind of peace, I wanted to be beside you, I wanted you to wake up slowly or startle, or just half awaken and turn over or murmur my name. I wanted to watch you forever, or sleep beside you forever, or sleep forever while you woke and watched me, something forever anyway. I wanted to kiss you, rumple your hair, rest three fingertips on your hip bone warm and smooth, wake you that way or hush you back to sleep  (Kiss Quotes) One regret dear world, that I am determined not to have when I am lying on my deathbed is that I did not kiss you enough  (Kiss Quotes) I see crosses at every turn. My flesh shudders over it, but my heart adores them. Yes, I hail you, crosses little and great, I hail you, and kiss your feet, unworthy of the honor of your shadow  (Kiss Quotes) Love to throw yourself on the earth and kiss it. Kiss the earth and love it with an unceasing, consuming love  (Kiss Quotes) She’d play around and tease me with her carefree devil eyes. She’d hold me close and kiss me, but her heart was full of lies  (Kiss Quotes) I’m a sappy romantic. I don’t kiss until the 40th date. I really like to take it slow. I’ll present you with a piñata with my hopes and dreams  (Kiss Quotes) When something like that comes along, whether it’s an accident or a savvy or a very first kiss, life takes a turn and you can’t step back. All you can do is keep moving forward and remember what you’ve learned  (Kiss Quotes) The thing no one tells you about surviving, about the mere act of holding out, is how many hours are nothing because nothing happens. They also don’t tell you about how you can share your deepest secrets with someone, kiss them, and the next hour it’s like there’s nothing between you because not everything can mean something all the time or you’d be crushed under the weight of it  (Kiss Quotes) The mother’s first kiss teaches the child love; the first holy kiss of the woman he loves teaches man hope and faith in life; and love and faith create a desire for perfection and the power of reaching towards it step by step; create the future, in short, of which the living symbol is the child, link between us and the generations to come  (Kiss Quotes) It was the kind of kiss that made me know that I was never so happy in my whole life  (Kiss Quotes) When I was in high school, my thing was to get as close as humanly possible to a girl and just make her have to kiss me! You do the hug that’s too close, where your mouth is close to hers and you kinda feel it out a little bit  (Kiss Quotes) If everyone thinks you’re bizarre and creepy, then you play bad guys. If everyone thinks you’re beautiful and wants to kiss you, then you play the lead role  (Kiss Quotes)
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