Kitchen Quotes

Text Quotes
Get people back into the kitchen and combat the trend toward processed food and fast food (Kitchen Quotes)
My recipe for dealing with anger and frustration: set the kitchen timer for twenty minutes, cry, rant, and rave, and at the sound of the bell, simmer down and go about business as usual (Kitchen Quotes)
Books read in a public library never have the same flavour as books read in the attic or the kitchen (Kitchen Quotes)
I have seen my kid struggle into the kitchen in the morning with outfits that need only one accessory: an empty gin bottle (Kitchen Quotes)
Ladies and gentleman are permitted to have friends in the kennel, but not in the kitchen (Kitchen Quotes)
I would literally climb out of the cradle while my parents slept, go and crawl off. I did this a couple of times apparently. I’d cross the road and into someone’s house, wake them up banging pots and pans in the kitchen (Kitchen Quotes)
Chefs think about what it’s like to make food. Being a scientist in the kitchen is about asking why something works, and how it works (Kitchen Quotes)
I know that you like to see a man in the kitchen, but I’m skeptical of men who cook. A man should be focusing his attention on the woman, and not what’s on the stove (Kitchen Quotes)
I go out to the kitchen to feed the dog, but that’s about as much cooking as I do (Kitchen Quotes)
You wake up one morning and there it is, sitting in an old plaid bathrobe in your kitchen, unpleasant and unshaved. You look at it, heart sinking. Madness is a rotten guest (Kitchen Quotes)
I only know that all of those people would have sensed me that night, excluding the youngest of the children. I was the suggestion. I was the advice, my imagined feet walking into the kitchen and down the corridor (Kitchen Quotes)
Normal person’s weekly chore list: 1. clean kitchen. 2. clean bathroom. 3. clean entire rest of domicile. cleaning impaired person’s weekly chore list: 1. don’t get peanut butter on sheets (Kitchen Quotes)
A lot of people think Japanese food is difficult, a lot of work. But you don’t have to buy the knife I have. You don’t have to train as long as I have. You can do my cooking in your kitchen (Kitchen Quotes)
And on a Canadian set, everybody is equal. You get paid the same. You live together in barracks. You have a communal kitchen. You buy and cook your own food (Kitchen Quotes)
Are you kidding? I’m a terrible cook, but John is a really great one. Literally, I never cook. The whole time we were dating, I prepared two officially romantic meals. Both of them were such disasters that he begs me never to go into the kitchen again (Kitchen Quotes)
All I can think of is the emaciated bodies of children on our kitchen table as my mother prescribes what the parent’s can’t give. More food (Kitchen Quotes)
Sounds like you kids have some talking to do. I’ll be eavesdropping from the kitchen (Kitchen Quotes)
I was making pancakes the other day and a fly flew into the kitchen. And that’s when I realized that a spatula is a lot like a fly swatter. And a crushed fly is a lot like a blueberry. And a roommate is a lot like a fly eater (Kitchen Quotes)
I looked up to find a slim blond figure standing in the doorway to the kitchen. For a frozen second, I looked at him and he looked at me, and then I screamed and threw my coffee, which hit him square in the groin (Kitchen Quotes)
She preferred imaginary heroes to real ones, because when tired of them, the former could be shut up in the tin kitchen till called for, and the latter were less manageable (Kitchen Quotes)
Outside is dark. The kitchen light is loud. It deafens me as I walk towards it (Kitchen Quotes)
Such is life. It is no cleaner than a kitchen; it reeks like a kitchen; and if you mean to cook your dinner, you must expect to soil your hands; the real art is in getting them clean again, and therein lies the whole morality of our epoch (Kitchen Quotes)
I’ll challenge senators and kings for the right to know the truth, but far be it from me to challenge a woman in her own kitchen (Kitchen Quotes)
The more you know, the more you can create. There’s no end to imagination in the kitchen (Kitchen Quotes)
I wouldn’t go that far. But I know my way around the kitchen. I make dinner every night (Kitchen Quotes)
I want to ask him where that kitchen is. Where he’s from. But he seems guarded. Or maybe it’s me. Maybe making friends is a specific skill, and I missed the lesson (Kitchen Quotes)
Always remember: If you’re alone in the kitchen and you drop the lamb, you can always just pick it up. Who’s going to know? (Kitchen Quotes)
Woman is shut up in a kitchen or in a boudoir, and astonishment is expressed that her horizon is limited. Her wings are clipped, and it is found deplorable that she cannot fly (Kitchen Quotes)
If you want to save yourself the ticket price, go into the kitchen, cue up a male choir singing the music of hell, and get a kid to start banging pots and pans together. Then close your eyes and use your imagination (Kitchen Quotes)
Some people like to paint pictures, or do gardening, or build a boat in the basement. Other people get a tremendous pleasure out of the kitchen, because cooking is just as creative and imaginative an activity as drawing, or wood carving, or music (Kitchen Quotes)