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Kits Quotes

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Once you start buying first aid kits you start having accidents  (Kits Quotes) You know those drugstore kits that tell you when you’re pregnant? They should have one that tells you when you’re sane  (Kits Quotes) I do needlepoint from kits. I give them as gifts to people in the form of cushion covers and they are often speechless with horror  (Kits Quotes) I’ve always been into toys and kits and models. I’m kind of a toy nerd  (Kits Quotes) Right now, I think robots are where it’s at. And yes, I’m biased. Robots and space, because with home rocket kits and Lego Mindstorm sets, people can get involved. I was raised on Transformers and GoBots, so I can’t imagine what kids who are building real robots are dreaming about.  (Kits Quotes) When I was a kid, I used to send away for those ventriloquist kits on the back of comic books  (Kits Quotes) Do you remember those AM radio kits you get as a kid, and you build your own AM radio? Well, I never actually built one. But I did get them as a gift, for, like, 3 Christmases in a row, and I hated them.  (Kits Quotes)