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Know How Quotes

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When you know how much God is in love with you then you can only live your life radiating that love  (Know How Quotes) We know how to speak many falsehoods that resemble real things, but we know, when we will, how to speak true things  (Know How Quotes) Fools! Not to know how far an humble lot exceeds abundance by injustice got; how health and temperance bless the rustic swain, while luxury destroys her pamper'd train  (Know How Quotes) I've often hesitated in beginning a project because I've thought, "It'll never turn out to be even remotely like the good idea I have as I start. " I could just "feel" how good it could be. But I decided that, for the present, I would create the best way I know how and accept the ambiguities  (Know How Quotes) By the time we are women, fear is as familiar to us as air. It is our element. We live in it, we inhale it, we exhale it, and most of the time we do not even notice it. Instead of I am afraid, we say, I don't want to, or I don't know how, or I can't  (Know How Quotes) Even now it comes as a shock if by chance I notice in the street a face resembling someone I know however slightly, and I am at once seized by a shivering violent enough to make me dizzy  (Know How Quotes) The best reason for committing loathsome and detestable acts - and let's face it, I am considered something of an expert in this field - is purely for their own sake. Monetary gain is all very well, but it dilutes the taste of wickedness to a lower level that is obtainable by anyone with an overdeveloped sense of avarice. True and baseless evil is as rare as the purest good - and we all know how rare that is  (Know How Quotes) We who have touched war have a duty to bring the truth about war to those who have not had a direct experience of it. We are the light at the tip of the candle. It is really hot, but it has the power of shining and illuminating. If we practice mindfulness, we will know how to look deeply into the nature of war and, with our insight, wake people up so that together we can avoid repeating the same horrors again and again  (Know How Quotes) Education would be much more effective if its purpose was to ensure that by the time they leave school every boy and girl should know how much they do not know, and be imbued with a lifelong desire to know it  (Know How Quotes) Now I see that if one doesn't know how to die, one can hardly know how to live - because death is a part of life  (Know How Quotes) If we do not know how to take care of ourselves and to love ourselves, we cannot take care of the people we love. Loving oneself is the foundation for loving another person  (Know How Quotes) A lot of women don't know how to love because there's deep reasons for them not knowing how to love. And what I mean by deep reasons is deep and dark reasons  (Know How Quotes) The evolution of the brain not only overshot the needs of prehistoric man, it is the only example of evolution providing a species with an organ which it does not know how to use  (Know How Quotes) And I know how he feels - it's so good it hurts. I think I'm going to die from happiness. I think I'm going to die from pain. Time has stopped; time is racing  (Know How Quotes) I didn't know how... deep love ran, how it was in your blood, not your heart, and how that same blood pumped through your veins your whole life  (Know How Quotes) I profess not to know how women's hearts are wooed and won. To me they have always been matters of riddle and admiration  (Know How Quotes) It is necessary for a prince wishing to hold his own to know how to do wrong, and to make use of it or not according to necessity  (Know How Quotes) I realize that those who have loved us are never really gone. They live on in all the ones we love and all the ways we love. They are the reason we know how to love at all  (Know How Quotes) The depth of my love for him, of my need for him poured over me, both painful and sweet, both comforting and frightening. If anything happened to him, I didn't know how I would keep going  (Know How Quotes) I know how to live here, I know how everything smells, and tastes, and is. What could I ever search for in the world, except this again?  (Know How Quotes) In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on Earth can give you either the key or the door to open, except yourself  (Know How Quotes) I was coming home from kindergarten - well they told me it was kindergarten. I found out later I had been working in a factory for ten years. It's good for a kid to know how to make gloves  (Know How Quotes) I want to know how to make this girl laugh. I want to know what makes her cry. I want to know what it feels like to have her look at me as if I'm her knight in shinning armor  (Know How Quotes) The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch somebody else doing it wrong, without comment  (Know How Quotes) You know how some people, when they're together, they somehow make you feel more hopeful? Make you feel like the world is not the insane place it really is?  (Know How Quotes) That's the thing about human life - there is no control group, no way to ever know how any of us would have turned out if any variables had been changed  (Know How Quotes) To know how to speak to God is more than knowing how to speak to man. Not power with men, but power with God is the first thing. Jesus loves to teach us how to pray  (Know How Quotes) You know how chickens are, imagining the world coming to an end one moment, then pecking corn the next  (Know How Quotes) In an age of incompetence, I've been able to last in this crazy business. I actually know how to play my ax and write a song. That's my job  (Know How Quotes) That which is unique and worthwhile in us makes itself felt only in flashes. If we do not know how to catch and savor the flashes we are without growth and exhilaration  (Know How Quotes)
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