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Know How Quotes

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I wanted to know how humans came up with a view of the world that had so little magic in it. I needed to understand how they convinced themselves that magic wasn’t important  (Know How Quotes) Everyone always wants to know how you can tell when it’s true love, and the answer is this: when the pain doesn’t fade and the scars don’t heal, and it’s too damned late  (Know How Quotes) I grant men the land, the government, the wealth, all the chances. I accept that you have to hold all the cards, since that’s the only way you know how to play; but I refuse to swallow your disrespect  (Know How Quotes) It kind of makes me wish that the worst thing that will ever happen to me would just hurry up and happen already. That way I could live the rest of my life in bliss, if only because I know how much worse things could be  (Know How Quotes) Thoughts are strange creatures. They lead you from one thing to another. Sometimes you don’t know how you got from one to the next  (Know How Quotes) You know how it is: as soon as you decide to forget something, your brain comes to the conclusion that it’s the most fascinating thing in the world  (Know How Quotes) That’s the funny thing, she thought. You always want things to get better, but you never know how good you already have it  (Know How Quotes) Knowing what you need doesn’t always mean you know how to get it, though. I’d spent a long time hiding in my cave. No matter how much I might want to come out into the light, I knew it would hurt my eyes. I was a fool. A fool, but nevertheless too smart not to know I was the architect of my own demise, that it was time to put my past behind me. It was time to stop allowing the white elephants to stand unspoken of in my living room  (Know How Quotes) Do you know how hard it is to say nothing? When every atom of you strains to do the opposite? I had practiced not saying anything the whole way from the airport, and it was still nearly killing me  (Know How Quotes) I didn’t know how to say goodbye. Words were stupid. They said so little. Yet they opened up holes you could fall into and never climb out of again  (Know How Quotes) So all in all there wasn’t anything really wrong with my life. Except that, like most everyone else’s I knew about, it had a big gaping hole in it, an enormous emptiness, and I didn’t know how to fill it or even know what belonged there  (Know How Quotes) I meditated on love and reasoned it out. I realized what is wrong with us. Men fall in love for the first time. And what do they fall in love with?... They fall in love with a woman. They start at the wrong end of love. They begin at the climax. Can you wonder it is so miserable? Do you know how men should love? A tree. A rock. A cloud  (Know How Quotes) It is on a day like this one, a little later a little earlier that you descover without surprise that something is wrong that you don’t know how to live and you will never know  (Know How Quotes) I think maybe the most frustrating feeling in the world is to have something to say buy not know how to put it into words. To have lived through something but not be able to get it out of you before it festers  (Know How Quotes) Do you know how you felt when you would lean all the way back in a chair, and just before you were about to tip over, at the very last second, you’d catch yourself? That’s how I feel all the time  (Know How Quotes) Being a child is such a shining gift, yet we don’t know how precious it is until it’s worn out and gone away  (Know How Quotes) Today I acknowledge that I am not in position to judge what mistakes anyone is making or what lessons anyone needs to learn. I don’t know how far someone has come or when that person will have a breakthrough, I simply don’t know what other people should be doing. But when I think I do know, I clearly am not doing what I should be doing, which is taking responsibility for my own life  (Know How Quotes) ... we need to fall, and we need to be aware of it; for if we did not fall, we should not know how weak and wretched we are of ourselves, nor should we know our Maker’s marvellous love so fully  (Know How Quotes) Even though we often mess up, most of us are doing the best that we know how with the circumstances that surround us  (Know How Quotes) I know how mirrors work. They’re all in league with the cosmetics trade. They tell a woman lies. Drawing her gaze from one imagined flaw to another, until all she sees is a constellation of imperfections. If you could get outside yourself, borrow my eyes for just an instant... There is only beauty  (Know How Quotes) Ryoji: It’s either that she doesn’t know how to lean on someone or she’s simply that selfless. She won’t give me a space to worry about her. Beyond that, she’ll protect others instinctively  (Know How Quotes) We’re all working hard, but so far away from what we actually want to be doing. We’re all peering in at the window of a party we aren’t invited to yet, a party we wouldn’t know how to dress for, or what kind of conversation to make, even if we came as someone’s guest  (Know How Quotes) On our own we simply don’t know how to get things done the same way you do things. But, like everyone else, we want to do the best we possibly can. When we sense you’ve given up on us, it makes us feel miserable. So please keep helping us, through to the end  (Know How Quotes) The height of artistic skill is to know how to conceal the mechanical effort and strain beneath harmonious calm  (Know How Quotes) Success in the marketplace increasingly depends on learning. Yet most people don’t know how to learn  (Know How Quotes) The truth is, anybody that becomes famous is an ass for a year and a half. You’ve got to give them a year and a half, two years. They are getting so much smoke blown, and their whole world gets so turned upside down, their responses become distorted. I give everybody a year or two to pull it together because, when it first happens, I know how it is  (Know How Quotes) All the wonders you seek are within yourself. We should seek to discover our own special light. Know how to live within yourself; there in your soul lives a whole world of mysterious and enchanted thoughts; they will be drowned by noise of this world. Be still and listen to their singing and be silent  (Know How Quotes) This isn’t one of those rare diseases that we don’t have the solution for. We know how to fix hunger  (Know How Quotes) It happens, I do not know how, that most of the proud never really discover their true selves. They think they have conquered their passions and they find out how poor they really are only after they die  (Know How Quotes) I know how important it is to have a helping hand. In my childhood I had difficult times because of hormonal problems. If I hadn’t had support, I wouldn’t have been able to fulfill my dreams  (Know How Quotes)
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