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Know How Quotes

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It is only those who do not know how to work that do not love it. To those who do, it is better than play  (Know How Quotes) One of the secrets to staying young is to always do things you don’t know how to do, to keep learning  (Know How Quotes) It’s a very special generation, because during our careers the computer entered chess. So we know how to play without computers, which is also important. We can analyse without computers. I am not saying that younger players cannot do this, but we are more in the habit of doing this. That’s important to improve your chess understanding  (Know How Quotes) Emptiness is everywhere and it can be calculated, which gives us a great opportunity. I know how to control the universe. So tell me, why should I run for a million?  (Know How Quotes) We all have points in our lives where two roads present themselves and we have to make a decision very fast. We don’t know how it will impact our lives, but it usually does  (Know How Quotes) To know whom to strike is competence; to know how to strike is skill; to know where and when to strike is art; to know why to strike is victory  (Know How Quotes) I think about how a guy mentally prepared himself to do battle, to go out and face the pitcher. I think so many hitters do not know how to get themselves prepared to play or hit against a pitcher. You have to mentally be prepared to hit against all pitchers  (Know How Quotes) I love to read, but I didn’t know how I could keep up with my eyes,... But I remembered that the library had books on tape, so I started listening to them. You wouldn’t believe how much they have brought to my life  (Know How Quotes) There have been times when I wanted children and other times I’ve been grateful not to have them. I am a mess if I have to say goodbye to my dog for longer than five days. I don’t know how I would deal with kissing my children as I left for work. I know there are women who are able to do that. I don’t know if I could  (Know How Quotes) To think that one child would go to bed hungry somewhere in this country is heartbreaking... to know how many do is virtually incomprehensible. This is not only a problem that exists in the far reaches of the globe. It happens right here in our own backyard. Together, as concerned citizens, we must do more to make sure every child’s needs are met  (Know How Quotes) Vichy proves one thing: if you don’t want to know how low your fellow citizens can fall, and crawl, don’t lose a war  (Know How Quotes) Well, we’re all a little hostile every now and then, some of us are able to sublimate, others of us can’t adjust. You know how it is  (Know How Quotes) If we’re not able to be alone, we’re going to be more lonely. And if we don’t teach our children to be alone, they’re only going to know how to be lonely  (Know How Quotes) Physical reality is one of the biggest horror movies of all, and you know how we love horror movies  (Know How Quotes) It is slightly chilling to realize there are rational, functional people up there employed to spot, nurture, and exploit those down here among us who are irrational and can barely cope. If you want to know how stupid you’re perceived to be by the people up there, count the unsolicited junk mail you receive. If you get a lot, you’re perceived to be alluringly stupid  (Know How Quotes) Destroying species is like tearing pages out of an unread book, written in a language humans hardly know how to read, about the place where they live  (Know How Quotes) People need to know more than what a piece of information means. They also need to know how the information matters  (Know How Quotes) What the dead don’t know piles up, though we don’t notice it at first. They don’t know how we’re getting along without them, of course, dealing with the hours and days that now accrue so quickly, and, unless they divined this somehow in advance, they don’t know that we don’t want this inexorable onslaught of breakfasts and phone calls and going to the bank, all this stepping along, because we don’t want anything extraneous to get in the way of what we feel about them or the ways we want to hold them in mind  (Know How Quotes) My idea being that for the sublime and the beautiful and the interesting, you do not have to look far away. You have to know how to see  (Know How Quotes) Very few people know how to work. Inspiration, everybody has inspiration. That’s just hot air  (Know How Quotes) I know not how to defeat others, I only know how to win over myself. The real and most dangerous opponents we face in life are fear, anger, confusion, doubt and despair. If we overcome those enemies who attack from within, we can attain a sure victory over any attack from without  (Know How Quotes) I want to show to those who deprive people the right to love of country, that when we know how to sacrifice ourselves for our duties and convictions, death does not matter if one dies for those one loves – for his country and for others dear to him  (Know How Quotes) If there are people at once rich and content, be assured that they are content because they know how to be so, not because they are rich  (Know How Quotes) If one day I have a daughter and my daughter wants to be a model, I would never let her! But then, if she wants to, what can I do? But definitely not until she’s 18 years old. You know, every work has the bad side, and people will be mean to you, and when you’re young, you don’t know how to defend yourself  (Know How Quotes) The tennis ball doesn’t know how old I am. The ball doesn’t know if I’m a man or a woman or if I come from a communist country or not. Sport has always broken down these barriers  (Know How Quotes) Sometimes a book isn’t a heartbreaking work of staggering genius. Sometimes it’s the only story you know how to tell  (Know How Quotes) That’s the thing about change. It can be gradual. Slow and almost unnoticeable. Or it can be sudden, and you don’t even know how you could’ve been any other way  (Know How Quotes) Caring for someone is scary, because you both know how it feels to lose someone in the span of a heartbeat  (Know How Quotes) My approach tends to be from experiments. I need the challenge. If I know how to do something well, there’s no need to do it all the time because it becomes a little monotonous. So I like to find a challenge  (Know How Quotes) I never learned how to tune a harp, or play upon a lute; but I know how to raise a small and obscure city to glory and greatness... whereto all kindreds of the earth will pilgrim  (Know How Quotes)
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