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Know How Quotes

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To understand oneself requires patience, tolerant awareness; the self is a book of many volumes which you cannot read in a day, but when once you begin to read, you must read every word, every sentence, every paragraph for in them are the intimations of the whole. The beginning of it is the ending of it. If you know how to read, supreme wisdom is to be found  (Know How Quotes) We don’t know how much we are capable of loving until the people we love are being taken away, until a beautiful story is ending  (Know How Quotes) I love working with actors, and it’s great that I’m an actor myself. I know how I like to be directed and how I like to be talked to  (Know How Quotes) I’ve never written anything that wasn’t somewhat of a collaboration. I don’t know how people do it on their own  (Know How Quotes) As a child, I wanted to know how things worked and to control them. With a friend, I built a number of complicated models that I could control. It was a natural next step to want to know how the universe works  (Know How Quotes) I always knew I wanted to do comedy. I like making people laugh. I started out young just making my family laugh and trying to make kids laugh in school and getting into plays. I think it’s the only thing I know how to do so hopefully it works out  (Know How Quotes) I’m not trying to create an image or a persona. I’m just singing because that’s what I know how to do  (Know How Quotes) My father was a pimp before he became a deacon or something. These people know how to handle women. I’m the worst guy in the world with women. They run circles around me  (Know How Quotes) I don’t really have a type. I just kind of hang out with girls that I think have a good personality, know how to have fun, active and definitely have something going on in their life so they are busy so I’m not stuck all the time hanging out  (Know How Quotes) Hard work. Well, that=s all right for people who don=t know how to do anything else. It=s all right for people who aren=t lucky. But once you==re lucky, you don=t have to work for other people. You make them work for you  (Know How Quotes) Buying a matching blouse and skirt from the same store is a crime. A clever mix of chic and cheap hits the jackpot. Know how to mix styles and labels  (Know How Quotes) Je sais de quelles petitesses meurent les plus grandes amours. I know how pettiness ruins the greatest loves  (Know How Quotes) If I were pretentious I would say that I’m not an average person. But really, I know how that is  (Know How Quotes) The model of publishing is changing and its happening right now, but most publishers are so frightened, they just don’t know how to embrace it  (Know How Quotes) Thus, if the clarity of our thoughts comes through better in a play of words, then the wordplay is good. One must know how to enter the ideas of others and how to leave them  (Know How Quotes) I know how important voting and elections are. But everybody know that life is going to be life regardless of who is president  (Know How Quotes) As the author you know how you want it to appear on screen and it’s always the content dictating the form  (Know How Quotes) I know how important it is to have people who believe in you even when you don’t believe in yourself  (Know How Quotes) Whenever I really want a part, I’m not sure what to do. How do I let the director know how obsessed I am and willing to do anything for the movie?  (Know How Quotes) When I paint a portrait I want to know more than just the looks of the person. I want to know how they live and what their feelings are... It then becomes more than just physiognomy, but the feel of the person  (Know How Quotes) If you honestly know how you help people, then you should become passionate about sharing it, spread the good news, give everyone a chance to share in the solutions that you can provide  (Know How Quotes) Who can know how much of his most inward life is made up of the thoughts he believes other men to have about him, until that fabric of opinion is threatened with ruin?  (Know How Quotes) In general, the man who is readily disposed to sacrifice himself is one who does not know how else to give meaning to his life. The profession of enthusiasm is the most sickening of all insincerities  (Know How Quotes) I don’t assume, because I can write screenplays, that I know how to write a novel. It’s a very different world. There’s a craft involved in storytelling, and it’s a different kind of craft. But yes, someday I will do that. It just might be awhile  (Know How Quotes) A liar is a man who does now know how to deceive, a flatterer one who only deceives fools: he who knows how to make skilful use of the truth, and understands its eloquence, can alone pride himself in cleverness  (Know How Quotes) Oh honey, there’s nothing new on this earth when it comes to what men and women do in the dark. First love is when you learn. So you’ve learned that love can open you up like spring sun on a wee primrose. Good. Remember that. You know how to love  (Know How Quotes) I know what I think but I don’t know how to put it into words. Maybe I could get a little bit drunk and dance it for you  (Know How Quotes) If any of you wish to know how to have your bread fall butter side up, butter it on both sides, and then it will fall butter side up  (Know How Quotes) I was in the war. I know how to kill. I was over there. I know how to do it. I’ve done it before. It’s no big deal. You just make an adjustment. You convince yourself it’s all right. That’s all. It’s easy. You just slaughter them  (Know How Quotes) When I first started, I didn’t really know how to structure a play. I could write dialogue, but I just sort of failed beyond that, and kind of went wherever I wanted to go  (Know How Quotes)
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