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He never funked and he never lied I reckon he never knowed how  (Knowed Quotes) Living’s heavy work, but off to one side, the way we are, it’s useless, too. It don’t make sense. If I knowed how to climb back on the wheel, I’d do it in a minute. You can’t have living without dying. So you can’t call it living, what we got. We just are, we just be, like rocks beside the road  (Knowed Quotes) I think by the time you’re grown you’re as happy as you’re goin to be. You’ll have good times and bad times, but in the end you’ll be about as happy as you was before. Or as unhappy. I’ve knowed people that just never did get the hang of it  (Knowed Quotes) I never knowed there was such a place as this. I guess there’s probably every kind of place you can think of  (Knowed Quotes) Most vagabonds I knowed don’t ever want to find the culprit that remains the object of their long relentless quest. The obsession’s in the chasing and not the apprehending, the pursuit you see and never the arrest - Tom Waits Foreign Affairs  (Knowed Quotes)