Knowing Quotes

Text Quotes
There are strong people who aren’t able to climb. It’s about reading the rock, knowing how to position your body and having the tenacity to not let go (Knowing Quotes)
If I were somebody dealing with chronic pain, I would see it as a challenge to manage my mind; even knowing that the effect of my thoughts is not only affecting my experience, but it is absolutely affecting the state of my health (Knowing Quotes)
Taking a step without knowing the end result is the only way we develop faith and not only this, it’s a practice that connects us with a power greater than ourselves (Knowing Quotes)
Security isn’t securities. It’s knowing that someone cares whether you are or cease to be (Knowing Quotes)
The fear of death is indeed the pretence of wisdom, and not real wisdom, being the appearance of knowing the unknown (Knowing Quotes)
No man’s nature is able to know what is best for the social state of man; or, knowing, always able to do what is best (Knowing Quotes)
The wise man seeks little joys, knowing that life is long and that his quota of great joys is distinctly limited (Knowing Quotes)
Loving, not the beloved, is the joy of love. The beloved, knowing this, most resolutely declines to be grateful (Knowing Quotes)
I am I because my little dog knows me but, creatively speaking the little dog knowing that you are you and your recognising that he knows, that is what destroys creation. That is what makes school (Knowing Quotes)
When the state of observation is sustained, it changes the quality of your biological structure. The nerves are steady, the chemical system has an equilibrium, and there is relaxation, equipoise. You live in the clarity of knowing who you are (Knowing Quotes)
A curious thing about written literature: It is about four thousand years old, but we have no way of knowing whether four thousand years constitutes senility or the maiden blush of youth (Knowing Quotes)
Don’t do anything. Just tolerate me and let me suffer, knowing how you feel (Knowing Quotes)
Even with limited intelligence, knowing oneself is not as difficult as some say, but to act according to what one has realized about oneself in real life is as difficult as practicing anything else, compared to theory (Knowing Quotes)
Knowing how to win is the first step. We must also know how to make use of our victories (Knowing Quotes)
The more that you’re knowing, the more you will be feeling and seeing, the more that you will hurt in your heart, and in your self. Deep heart understanding replaces your need and your holding of personal truths (Knowing Quotes)
As much as everything can seem to be about patterns in your self and others, within the drama of all that, it’s really all about knowing (Knowing Quotes)
Most readers of historical fiction are content to just get caught up in a good story, and that is what I want to do as an author. I am not concerned with people knowing exactly what I made up and what is real (Knowing Quotes)
It is good knowing that glasses are to drink from; the bad thing is not to know what thirst is for (Knowing Quotes)
Putting love first means knowing that the universe supports you in creating the good, the holy, and the beautiful. It means knowing that you’re on the earth for a purpose, and that the purpose itself will create opportunities for its accomplishment (Knowing Quotes)
It would be no reproach to a philosopher, that he knew the future better than the past, or even than the present. It is better worth knowing (Knowing Quotes)
You will find it easier to accept contrary views, knowing that you are not defined by anything or anyone external to yourself (Knowing Quotes)
Knowing what I know now, any photographer worth his salt could make some beautiful things with pinhole cameras (Knowing Quotes)
Nothing’s so apt to undermine your confidence in a product as knowing that the commercial selling it has been approved by the company that makes it (Knowing Quotes)
Those who are the most happy appear to know it the least; happiness is something that for the most part seems to mainly consist in not knowing it (Knowing Quotes)
A mature mind is one who understands the impossibility of knowing the ultimate, and with this understanding there is a new dimension: the dimension of being (Knowing Quotes)
Knowing the importance of luck, you should be particularly suspicious when highly consistent patterns emerge from the comparison of successful and less successful firms. In the presence of randomness, regular patterns can only be mirages (Knowing Quotes)
Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing so wide diversification is only required when investors are ignorant. You only have to do a very few things in your life so long as you don’t do too many things wrong (Knowing Quotes)
Here I stand, hobbled in a sack of doom, determined to tear out of it, knowing that I will (Knowing Quotes)
I’ll dig in into my days, having come here to live, not to visit. Grey is the price of neighboring with eagles, of knowing a mountain’s vast presence, seen or unseen (Knowing Quotes)
Beware how you contradict prejudices, even knowing them to be such, for the generality of people are much more tenacious of their prejudices than of anything belonging to them (Knowing Quotes)