Knowledge Quotes

Text Quotes
You can do anything you think you can. This knowledge is literally the gift of the gods (Knowledge Quotes)
The more knowledge you’ve got, the more understanding you have, the better you are able to implement and pass it on to others (Knowledge Quotes)
Shamanism is a path of knowledge, not of faith, and that knowledge cannot come from me or anyone else in this reality. To acquire that knowledge, including the knowledge of the reality of the spirits, it is necessary to step through the shaman’s doorway and acquire empirical evidence (Knowledge Quotes)
There are no shortcuts to knowledge, especially knowledge gained from personal experience. Following conventional wisdom and relying on shortcuts can be worse than knowing nothing at all (Knowledge Quotes)
To tell you the truth, the older I get, the less I know. I keep meeting people, both older and younger, who seem to have accrued so much more knowledge or expertise or certainty about who they are and the jobs they do. I just marvel at it (Knowledge Quotes)
When you write a goal down your subconscious brain begins to more actively think about bringing into your life the people, resources and knowledge you need to achieve your goals (Knowledge Quotes)
Never let a few people that don’t get you, shape you, into their limited knowledge of what you can become (Knowledge Quotes)
The single thing which makes any man happiest is the realization that he has worked up to the limits of his ability, his capacity. It’s all the better, of course, if this work has made a contribution to knowledge, or toward moving the human race a little farther forward (Knowledge Quotes)
To be loved is a privilege and prize equivalent to being born. If you’re smart, you pause regularly to bask in the astonishing knowledge that there are many people out there who care for you and want you to thrive and hold you in their thoughts with fondness (Knowledge Quotes)
Knowledge is a free good. The biggest cost in its transmission is not in the production or distribution of knowledge, but in its assimilation. This is something that all teachers know (Knowledge Quotes)
If the art is created with the whole person, then the work will come out whole. Education must teach, reach, and vibrate the whole person rather than merely transfer knowledge (Knowledge Quotes)
Truly it has been said that there is nothing new under the sun, for knowledge is revealed and is submerged again, even as a nation rises and falls. Here is a system, tested throughout the ages, but lost again and again by ignorance or prejudice, in the same way that great nations have risen and fallen and been lost to history beneath the desert sands and in the ocean depths (Knowledge Quotes)
Knowledge of life in the astral world leads us to a conclusion of fundamental importance, namely that the physical world is the product of the astral world (Knowledge Quotes)
Definition: Alpinism is the art of going through the mountains confronting the greatest dangers with the biggest of cares. What we call art here, is the application of a knowledge to an action (Knowledge Quotes)
Climbers are a universal tribe: we share the knowledge that things are not important. Experience is important. Feeling is important (Knowledge Quotes)
My objective is and has been for years to make the lightest and most compact flying machine that would carry me at 25 or 30 miles per hour for 10 minutes or a quarter of an hour. Current events show this is not at all an ambitious project. Want of an elementary knowledge of oil machines baulks me and causes much misdirected effort. I doubt my ability to acquire that knowledge, and feel like a fireman trying to hew out a donkey pump (Knowledge Quotes)
I have always believed and promoted the fact that education and access to the knowledge society involves lifelong learning (Knowledge Quotes)
There are certain things that have universal attributes, like music. Something of greater magnitude is conveyed by them. They connect us with the universal storehouse of life and knowledge (Knowledge Quotes)
I almost always write everything the way it comes out, except I tend much more to take things out rather than put things in. It’s out of a desire to really show what’s going on at all times, how things smell and look, as well as from the knowledge that I don’t want to push things too quickly through to climax; if I do, it won’t mean anything. Everything has to be earned, and it takes a lot of work to earn (Knowledge Quotes)
Don’t be afraid to go for positions, jobs or take on clients just outside of your knowledge base. It’s when you’re uncomfortable that you learn and grow the most (Knowledge Quotes)
That is the magic of travel. You leave your home secure in your own knowledge and identity. But as you travel, the world in all it’s richness intervenes. You meet people you could not invent; you see scenes you could not imagine. Your own world, which was so large as to consume your whole life, becomes smaller and smaller until it is only one tiny dot in time and space. You return a different person (Knowledge Quotes)
Rid the mind of knowledge when looking for pleasure. Or start thinking and find a lot of pain (Knowledge Quotes)
Sharing knowledge is not about giving people something, or getting something from them. That is only valid for information sharing. Sharing knowledge occurs when people are genuinely interested in helping one another develop new capacities for action; it is about creating learning processes (Knowledge Quotes)
Influences come from everywhere but when you are actually shooting you work primarily by instinct. But what is instinct? It is a lifetime accumulation of influence: experience, knowledge, seeing and hearing. There is little time for reflection in taking a photograph. All your experiences come to a peak and you work on two levels: conscious and unconscious (Knowledge Quotes)
The disease that knowledge brings is arrogance, and the disease that worship brings is showing off (Knowledge Quotes)
Opinion is not knowledge. You’re entitled to your own opinion but you’re not entitled to your own facts (Knowledge Quotes)
Libraries never let us forget who we are, for their worth stands by the knowledge they keep and save for us (Knowledge Quotes)
It is like employing a small tool on big constructions, if we use human wisdom in the hunt for knowledge of reality (Knowledge Quotes)
The days when it was possible to win a serious game only by merit of sporting character or depth of chess understanding have vanished forever. Chess knowledge has become dominant, bypassing all the other factors that contribute to success (Knowledge Quotes)
When we developed written language, we significantly increased our functional memory and our ability to share insights and knowledge across time and space. The same thing happened with the invention of the printing press, the telegraph, and the radio (Knowledge Quotes)