Knowledge Quotes

Text Quotes
If knowledge is power and power is knowledge, then how so many idiots be graduating from college? (Knowledge Quotes)
Lessons learned are like bridges burned you only need to cross them but once. Is the knowledge gained worth the price of the pain, are the spoils worth the cost of the hunt? (Knowledge Quotes)
They send you off to college, try to gain a little knowledge, but all you want to do is learn how to score (Knowledge Quotes)
Although my knowledge grows more and more, nevertheless I do not for that reason believe that it can ever be actually infinite, since it can never reach a point so high that it will be unable to attain any greater increase (Knowledge Quotes)
Complete knowledge of the nature of an analytic function must also include insight into its behavior for imaginary values of the arguments. Often the latter is indispensable even for a proper appreciation of the behavior of the function for real arguments. It is therefore essential that the original determination of the function concept be broadened to a domain of magnitudes which includes both the real and the imaginary quantities, on an equal footing, under the single designation complex numbers (Knowledge Quotes)
Much is due to those who first broke the way to knowledge, and left only to their successors the task of smoothing it (Knowledge Quotes)
It is true that of far the greater part of things, we must content ourselves with such knowledge as description may exhibit, or analogy supply; but it is true likewise, that these ideas are always incomplete, and that at least, till we have compared them with realities, we do not know them to be just. As we see more, we become possessed of more certainties, and consequently gain more principles of reasoning, and found a wider base of analogy (Knowledge Quotes)
Other things may be seized by might, or purchased with money, but knowledge is to be gained only by study, and study to be prosecuted only in retirement (Knowledge Quotes)
Though it is evident, that not more than one age or people can deserve the censure of being more averse from learning than any other, yet at all times knowledge must have encountered impediments, and wit been mortified with contempt, or harassed with persecution (Knowledge Quotes)
Knowledge is praised and desired by multitudes whom her charms could never rouse from the couch of sloth; whom the faintest invitation of pleasure draws away from their studies; to whom any other method of wearing the day is more eligible than the use of books, and who are more easily engaged by any conversation than such as may rectify their notions or enlarge their comprehension (Knowledge Quotes)
To understand the works of celebrated authors, to comprehend their systems, and retain their reasonings, is a task more than equal to common intellects; and he is by no means to be accounted useless or idle, who has stored his mind with acquired knowledge, and can detail it occasionally to others who have less leisure or weaker abilities (Knowledge Quotes)
Persius has justly observed, that knowledge is nothing to him who is not known by others to possess it: to the scholar himself it is nothing with respect either to honour or advantage, for the world cannot reward those qualities which are concealed from it; with respect to others it is nothing, because it affords no help to ignorance or errour (Knowledge Quotes)
All knowledge is of itself of some value. There is nothing so minute or inconsiderable, that I would not rather know it than not. In the same manner, all power, of whatever sort, is of itself desirable. A man would not submit to learn to hem a ruffle, of his wife, or his wife’s maid; but if a mere wish could attain it, he would rather wish to be able to hem a ruffle (Knowledge Quotes)
In the universe, there is darkness and light. We call this duality. When you seek knowledge and power, there are forces and people that will oppose you (Knowledge Quotes)
Human beings fear light and knowledge and power. There is a weird quirky sort of thing that happens with people. When you log on to the truth and you start to become it, it threatens them because they live with countless falsehoods (Knowledge Quotes)
A teacher of knowledge and power gives you experiences in other dimensions. They show you that the universe is much bigger and more fascinating than you had ever imagined. They give you direct and immediate experiences in other realities (Knowledge Quotes)
True wisdom is to see and understand your relationship with the universe. When you gain that relational knowledge, then you are wise (Knowledge Quotes)
A person of knowledge and power never goes out looking for battles. All their battles are within (Knowledge Quotes)
Knowledge is the ability to love, the ability to feel, the ability to probe the depths and the heights of life. It is the experience of the experiencer, and at the same time, it is beyond that (Knowledge Quotes)
Enlightenment requires discipline, balance, knowledge, power, happiness and a sense of responsibility and sacrifice, being able to do things with your life that you would not have done otherwise (Knowledge Quotes)
This is only a small part of the totality. From this island earth we see only a fragment of creation and its knowledge (Knowledge Quotes)
There are dimensions of power, there are dimensions of knowledge, and there are dimensions of confusion. The universe is a very, very big place. To think the universe is only composed of the physical universe is to be rather shortsighted (Knowledge Quotes)
The teacher will have a certain imprint, and each teacher imprints differently. Ultimately the imprint of the teacher is a limitation that you will have to overcome in your final stages of knowledge (Knowledge Quotes)
The imbalance I speak of in the world, which we see manifested in wars, violence, poverty and other depressed social conditions stems from a lack of knowledge (Knowledge Quotes)
Power doesn’t make you happy. Actually, power without knowledge and balance is problematic. Power is something that will automatically follow when you have knowledge. The two are really the same, in a certain sense (Knowledge Quotes)
Plants can help you they have a very strong vibrational force. If you’ve made friends with several of them, they will come and aid you when you’ve reached that critical moment and you’re at a crossroads of knowledge (Knowledge Quotes)
Unlock the power of the will. Learn balance and gain the knowledge and wisdom necessary to guide those powers, to succeed in sports and athletics (Knowledge Quotes)
It’s misleading to think of writers as special creatures, word sorcerers who possess some sort of magical knowledge hidden from everyone else. Writers are ordinary people who like to write. They feel the urge to write, and they scratch that itch every chance they get (Knowledge Quotes)
Capucci was the biggest schooling I had. It wasn’t just about the technical knowledge, such as color and volume, but also about the secret rules, and the beautiful codes of respect between the atelier and the master (Knowledge Quotes)
The great challenge to management today is to make productive the tremendous new resource, the knowledge worker. This, rather than the productivity of the manual worker, is the key to economic growth and economic performance in today’s society (Knowledge Quotes)