Knows Quotes

Text Quotes
It’s important to be driven and have goals. You want an independent woman who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go after it. It’s attractive to me when a woman is doing what she loves. It makes me want to know more (Knows Quotes)
Acting on stage is still my favorite thing to do. And everyone who’s been in musicals knows that there is nothing more fun (Knows Quotes)
I’m getting my respect as a video director. The fashion industry respects me and knows who I am (Knows Quotes)
We are not what we seem. We are more than what we seem. The actor knows that. And because the actor knows that hidden inside himself there’s a wizard and a king, he also knows that when he’s playing himself in his daily life, he’s playing a part, he’s performing, just as he’s performing when he plays a part on stage (Knows Quotes)
A parent can seem very kind and gentle, but as any child knows, as soon as that parent gets stressed, they can suddenly turn and get a bit angry (Knows Quotes)
Everyone knows almost everything about me. I make it very clear that I’m cool with people knowing all my personal life through my songs (Knows Quotes)
Anybody who knows about having a premature baby, it’s horrific. He was part of a twin, and I lost his sister (Knows Quotes)
Write yourself a permission slip to be surprised by someone’s potential. Who knows? One day that person could be you (Knows Quotes)
Truthfully, everyone knows how to eat right. They know the difference between oatmeal and a jelly cream doughnut. They know how to walk. Everyone has this in their brain. When I started, we didn’t have all this knowledge (Knows Quotes)
The only reason to be in politics is public service. There’s no other reason. Frankly, if that’s the best job you can get in terms of money, that’s too bad, you know. Because frankly, it’s not well paid, everyone knows that. So for most people it’s a big sacrifice (Knows Quotes)
As any new parent knows, you’re only too happy to show off your new child and, you know, proclaim that he is the best looking or the best everything (Knows Quotes)
Absolutely father knows best, always do what your fathers say, and if you can’t find one then just ask me, I am a father and I know best (Knows Quotes)
Everyone knows of great projects that were too dependent on a charismatic individual, or simply too expensive to be replicated (Knows Quotes)
Who knows what may lie around the next corner? There may be a window somewhere ahead. It may look out on a field of sunflowers (Knows Quotes)
You cannot stay on the summit forever; you have to come down again. So why bother in the first place? Just this: What is above knows what is below, but what is below does not know what is above. One climbs, one sees. One descends, one sees no longer, but one has seen. There is an art of conducting oneself in the lower regions by the memory of what one saw higher up. When one can no longer see, one can at least still know (Knows Quotes)
Nature knows that people are a tide that swells and in time will ebb, and all their works dissolve... As for us: We must uncenter our minds from ourselves. We must unhumanize our views a little and become confident as the rock and ocean that we are made from (Knows Quotes)
I hate to complain... No one is without difficulties, whether in high or low life, and every person knows best where their own shoe pinches (Knows Quotes)
It is true that the path of human destiny cannot but appal him who surveys a section of it. But he will do well to keep his small personal commentarie to himself, as one does at the sight of the sea or of majestic mountains, unless he knows himself to be called and gifted to give them expression in artistic or prophetic form. In most other cases, the voluminous talk about intuition does nothing but conceal a lack of perspective toward the object, which merits the same judgement as a similar lack of perspective toward men (Knows Quotes)
I have never felt any rest in sleep. For a few seconds I am numbed, then a new life begins, freed from the conditions of time and space, and doubtless similar to that state which awaits us after death. Who knows if there is not some link between those two existences and if it is not possible for the soul to unite them now? (Knows Quotes)
She felt an enveloping happiness to be alive, a joy made stronger by the certainty that someday it would all come to an end. Afterward she felt a little foolish, and never spoke to anyone about it. Now, however, she knows she wasn’t being foolish. She realizes that for no particular reason she stumbled into the core of what it is to be human. It’s a rare gift to under stand that you life is wondrous, and that it won’t last forever (Knows Quotes)
The truth is everything in the end. It is the greatest power in the world to make all people equal. If everyone knows what the truth is, no one can use lies to separate those people and turn them against one another (Knows Quotes)
They don’t hang dukes, darling. He’d be let off by reason of insanity. Everyone knows the upper classes are batty (Knows Quotes)
There is not much talking now. A silence falls upon them all. This is no time to talk of hedges and fields, or the beauties of any country. Sadness and fear and hate, how they well up in the heart and mind, whenever one opens pages of these messengers of doom. Cry for the broken tribe, for the law and the custom that is gone. Aye, and cry aloud for the man who is dead, for the woman and children bereaved. Cry, the beloved country, these things are not yet at an end. The sun pours down on the earth, on the lovely land that man cannot enjoy. He knows only the fear of his heart (Knows Quotes)
A philosopher knows that in reality he knows very little. That is why he constantly strives to achieve true insight. Socrates was one of these rare people. He knew that he knew nothing about life and about the world. And now comes the important part: it troubled him that he knew so little (Knows Quotes)
I was the new boy. It was like joining a new class at school where everybody knows everybody else but me (Knows Quotes)
If you rely exclusively on the advice of others, you may make terrible mistakes. Your heart knows what you need. Other people have other agendas (Knows Quotes)
There are many, many difficult times, God knows. If a person wants to stand on her own two feet, I recommend undertaking the care and feeding of something. It could be children, or it could be house plants, you know? By doing that you come to understand your own limitations. That’s where it starts (Knows Quotes)
.. Washington, where the human rights of terrorists are often given high priority. And I am certain liberal politicians would defend their position to the death. Because everyone knows liberals have never been wrong about anything. You can ask them. Anytime (Knows Quotes)
She goes where she pleases. She appears unhoped for, uncalled for. She moves through doors and walls and windows. Her thoughts move through minds. She enters dreams. She vanishes and is still there. She knows the future and sees through flesh. She is not afraid of anything (Knows Quotes)
You can’t teach children to be good. The best you can do for your child is to live a good life yourself. What a parent knows and believes, the child will lean on (Knows Quotes)