Kristin Hannah Quotes

Text Quotes
Some stories don’t have happy endings. Even love stories. Maybe especially love stories. (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
And maybe that was how it was supposed to be... Joy and sadness were part of the package; the trick, perhaps, was to let yourself feel all of it, but to hold on to the joy just a little more tightly (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
She didn't know that some hurts were like a once - broken bone. In the right weather, they could ache for a lifetime (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
Sometimes love means trusting people to make their own decisions. In other words, shutting up (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
Some stories don’t have happy endings. Even love stories. Maybe especially love stories (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
Promises were a lot like impressions. The second one didn’t count for much (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
We can’t live other people’s lives for them. Even if we love them (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
I know about forgiving people and loving them anyway, even after they hurt you (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
It’s not a date. I bought my own drink and I didn’t shave my legs (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
The hallmark of my books is the relationships that define women’s lives (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
A daughter without her mother is a woman broken. It is a loss that turns to arthritis and settles deep into her bones (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
Thoughts - even fears - were airy things, formless until you made them solid with your voice and once given that weight, they could crush you (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
You couldn't give up you for them. But what if you wanted them more than you wanted a singular powerful you? (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
Lately he'd been seen going out less and less, becoming that strangest of animals in a small town: a loner (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
Rain Valley newcomers pretty much fell into two groups: people running away from something and people running away from everything (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
Of course you can fall in love. You just have to let yourself. They don't call it falling for nothing (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
At one point, she'd wanted to hurl the whole breakfast at the wall. And then she'd remember why it was that men had temper tantrums and women didn't: cleanup (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
I guess no one stays friends for more than thirty years without broken hearts along the way (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
He's made a mistake in coming here tonight. He'd wanted to see a room filled with ruffly knickknacks and lacy gewgaws. A room like any other, to indicate that she was a woman like any other (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
One of the drawbacks of sleeping with whores, he thought lazily. You got what you paid for, and not a goddamn thing more (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
She was touching his body with her tongue, and he felt it there, but somehow what she was doing went deeper. As if that gentle, moist tongue of hers were flicking his heart as well (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
I didn't know how... deep love ran, how it was in your blood, not your heart, and how that same blood pumped through your veins your whole life (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
If she wasn't careful, she'd slide without a ripple into the gently flowing stream of her old life, pulled back under the current without a whimper of protest. Another housewife lost in the flow (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
I'm an insomniac lately. It's one of the many prizes you find in the Cracker Jack box of a crumbling relationship, (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
She used to tell me that she couldn't feel the sunlight anymore, not even when she was standing in it, not even when it was hot on her cheeks (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
.... both had learned that everything could change in an instant, and that the heartfelt vows of people in love were fragile words that, once shattered, could cut so deeply you'd bleed forever (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
Maybe time didn't heal wounds exactly, but it gave you a kind of armor, or a new perspective. A way to remember with a smile instead of a sob (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
Life keeps going. You think it'll stop, wait for you to be done crying, but it just keeps moving. Don't spend your time looking back. You don't want to miss what's ahead (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
Their friendship was more important than any relationship. Guys would come and go; girlfriends were forever (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
Sometimes you simply made the wrong choice and you had to live with it. You could only change the future (Kristin Hannah Quotes)