Kristin Hannah Quotes

Text Quotes
She is like a child picking at a scab, unable to stop herself even though she knows it will hurt (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
When you're a mom, you learn about fear. You're always afraid. Always. About everything from cupboard doors to kidnappers to weather (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
What mattered was not caring. And the best way not to care was to surround yourself with noise and people (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
She knew this pain would fade again; like a sunburn, it would heal itself and leave her slightly more protected from the glare (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
It felt as if she were bleeding - but it wasn't blood that leaked out of her, not something that could be easily transfused. Instead she was losing her dreams (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
But that shadow self of hers wasn't so sure. The ugly, toxic thought was smaller than a drop of blood, yet it poisoned the entire stream (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
That was her mistake. She'd pinned her happiness to a teenage girl's chest. Idiot. The realization made her almost smile. She certainly knew better than that (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
When you get... to the end, you see that love and family are all there is. Nothing else matters (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
Those are exactly the kind of memories I try to avoid, but they're like asbestos: invisible and deadly. You need special gear to get rid of them (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
So now books were her only friends. She'd read Lord of the Rings so often she could recite whole scenes by memory. It was not a skill that aided one in becoming popular (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
She should have told me that times slides away on a hillside of lose shale and takes everything in its path - dreams, opportunities, hopes. And youth. It takes that fastest of all (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
It's not intentions that matter. It's actions. We are what we do and say, not what we intend to (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
It isn't about being at the same school or the same town or even the same room. It's about being together. Love is a choice you make (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
He'd learned in the past few months that telling a girl what to wear - even one the size of a golf club - was a bad idea. Histrionics often followed (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
My husband ran off with his secretary. His male secretary. the only passion I have lately seems to center around buying a handgun. Unfortunately, I can't decide which one of us to shoot (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
A generous donor (who had no doubt lived a life that imperiled his mortal soul) had granted [the Sisters] more than one hundred waterfront acres (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
Marriages go through hard times. Sometimes you have to get in there and fight for your love. That's the only way for it to get better (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
It was true; always had been. Friendships were like marriages in that way. Routines and patterns were poured early and hardened like cement (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
Finding your passion isn't just about careers and money. It's about finding your authentic self. The one you've buried beneath other people's needs (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
Real friends. The kind that don't purposely hurt your feelings or stop liking you for no reason (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
Tragedy was like that, a razor that sliced through time, severing the now from the before, incising the what - might - have - been from reality as cleanly as any surgeon's blade (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
Vietnam... war... it did something to us. Or maybe not. Maybe the bad seeds were always in me, and war gave them a dark place in which to grow (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
By the time this damn war's over, we'll have hundreds of thousands of severely traumatized soldiers trying to put the pieces of their lives back together (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
I might screw up, I might embarrass you, I might yell at you, but I will never, ever stop loving you. You're my first born. The first time I held you... I fell in love so hard it cracked my bones (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
From the first time we met, we knew everything that mattered about each other, didn't we? We just knew. I guess that's what best friends are: parts of each other (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
Nobody's strong enough to be a parent. We just do it, blindly, going forward on faith and love and hope. That's all it is... Being afraid... and going on (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
There's nothing wrong with being scared... It happens to all of us. What's wrong is if we don't try things because we're afraid. We can't hide away from the things that scare us (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
As she neared her destination, she took her glasses off. She hadn't come to the point where she trusted the world as seen through a lens (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
It occurred to her suddenly, sharply, that she wanted to be in love... She wanted not to feel so damned alone in the world (Kristin Hannah Quotes)
It's never good to sit around and wait for someone or something to change your life. That's why women like Gloria Steinem are burning their bras and marching on Washington (Kristin Hannah Quotes)