Kurt Vonnegut Quotes

Text Quotes
She broke my heart. I didn’t like that much. But that was the price. In this world, you get what you pay for. (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)
Where you can see tribal behavior now is in this business about teaching evolution in a science class and intelligent design. It’s the scientists themselves are behaving tribally. (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)
I beg you to believe the most ridiculous superstition of all: that humanity is at the center of the universe, the fulfiller or frustrateor of the grandest dreams of God Almighty. (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)
Oh, a sleeping drunkard Up in Central Park, And a lion-hunter In the jungle dark, And a Chinese dentist,And a British queen--All fit togetherIn the same machine.Nice, nice, very nice;Nice, nice, very nice; Nice, nice, very nice--So many different peopleIn the same device. (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)
We’re a terribly lonesome society. For all I know, all societies are. You can make a few new friends, that’s all. You can’t change history. History is happening to us now. (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)
The people who taught really knew their stuff. My chemistry teacher, Frank Wade, was actually a chemist. I was so lucky in a number of ways. (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)
I was a chemistry major, but I’m always winding up as a teacher in English departments, so I’ve brought scientific thinking to literature. There’s been very little gratitude for this. (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)
We are America’s Great Lakes people, her freshwater people, not an oceanic but a continental people. Whenever I swim in an ocean, I feel as though I am swimming in chicken soup. (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)
People don’t come to church for preachments, of course, but to daydream about God (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)
My ancestors came over from Germany about the time of the Civil War and one of them lost a leg and went back to Germany. (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)
I think a lot of people, including me, clammed up when a civilian asked about battle, about war. It was fashionable. One of the most impressive ways to tell your war story is to refuse to tell it, you know. Civilians would then have to imagine all kinds of deeds of derring-do. (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)
I don’t plot my books rigidly, follow a preconceived structure. A novel mustn’t be a closed system - it’s a quest. (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)
Of course, socialism is just evil now. It’s completely discredited supposedly by the collapse of the Soviet Union, but I can’t help noticing that my grandchildren are heavily in hock to Communist China now which is evidently a whole lot better at business than we are. (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)
When I used to teach creative writing, I would tell the students to make their characters want something right away. (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)
I was taught that the human brain was the crowning glory of evolution so far, but I think it’s a very poor scheme for survival. (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)
My definition of a man’s man is a man who knows gun safety, and we all did (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)
Literature is by definition opinionated. It is bound to provoke the arguments in many quarters, not excluding the hometown or even the family of the author. (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)
What troubles me most about my lovely country is that its children are seldom taught that American freedom will vanish, if, when they grow up, and in the exercise of their duties as citizens, they insist that our courts and policemen and prisons be guided by divine or natural law. (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)
Just because you can read, write and do a little math, doesn’t mean that you’re entitled to conquer the universe. (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)
You know, the Emancipation Proclamation was like giving freedom to domestic animals (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)
I’ve been drawing all my life, just as a hobby, without really having shows or anything. It’s just an agreeable thing to do, and I recommend it to everybody. (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)
There was a time when I could vote for economic justice, and I can’t anymore (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)
This is what I find encouraging about the writing trades: ... They allow lunatics to seem saner than sane. (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)
Hitler at the end thought that he himself was one more casualty in the war (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)
It is a tragedy, perhaps, that human beings can get so much energy and enthusiasm from hate. If you want to feel ten feet tall and as though you could run a hundred miles without stopping, hate beats pure cocaine any day. Hitler resurrected a beaten, bankrupt, half-starved nation with hatred and nothing more. Imagine that. (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)
It’s an astonishing skill that people can read, and read well. Very few people can read well. For instance, I have to be very careful with irony, saying something while meaning the exact opposite. (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)
I was not an anthropology student prior to the war. I took it up as part of a personal readjustment following some bewildering experiences as an infantryman and later as a prisoner of war in Dresden, Germany. The science of the Study of Man has been extremely satisfactory from that personal standpoint. (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)
It may be that the most striking thing about members of my literary generation in retrospect will be that we were allowed to say absolutely anything without fear of punishment. (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)
... there is this feeling that I have a destiny far away from the shallow and preposterous posing that is our life ... (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)
I am honorary President of the American Humanist Society, having succeeded the late, great science fiction writer Isaac Asimov in that utterly functionless capacity. We Humanists behave as well as we can, without any rewards or punishments in an Afterlife. (Kurt Vonnegut Quotes)