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L D Quotes

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Why the hell do we make such a big deal out of things that shouldn’t be a big deal?  (L D Quotes) It is three and a half hours long, four characters wide and a cesspool deep  (L D Quotes) So I’m still doing my best to stay in shape and hope that opportunity will come back to me  (L D Quotes) There can be differences of opinion without there being personal differences  (L D Quotes) Send me one hundred francs on our future deals, otherwise I will disappear in a cataclysm  (L D Quotes) Money will determine whether the accused goes to prison or walks out of the courtroom a free man  (L D Quotes) I don’t write any of my material down. I like to improvise and be spontaneous  (L D Quotes) I’m the greatest rock and roll drummer on the planet and you suck  (L D Quotes) It will do you no harm to find yourself ridiculous. Resign yourself to be the fool you are  (L D Quotes) Senators will do what they think they need to do to represent their constituents  (L D Quotes) Well I had a musical background, but I still didn’t know a lot about drums at the time  (L D Quotes) There’s real drama in performing live. You never know how it’s going to be  (L D Quotes) The band was rejuvenated by that wonderful day. It breathed new life into us  (L D Quotes) We are all several different people. There are different aspects of our nature that are competing  (L D Quotes) I’m enjoying it, but I still don’t know why I’m hooked on acting  (L D Quotes) I don’t know if I ever really bought into the eternal damnation bit  (L D Quotes) Words must surely be counted among the most powerful drugs man ever invented  (L D Quotes) I still feel driven to try to make great shows and to make each episode great  (L D Quotes) I’m living with two guys. I’m living with a slob and a guy who sleeps all day  (L D Quotes) I’ve always been comfortable with my sexual desires and what I like  (L D Quotes) I don’t think I’d want to sit down and listen to people’s stories all day long  (L D Quotes) I will devote my body and soul to the service of the people and the nation  (L D Quotes) Never do things others can do and will do if there are things others cannot do or will not do  (L D Quotes) I don’t have time to sit up and write songs all day. Maybe one day when my kids get older  (L D Quotes) It’s nice to know that there are several different avenues I could pursue  (L D Quotes) The novel doesn’t come into existence until certain methods of reproducing fiction come along  (L D Quotes) I am sure that if you plant the trees back again, it will do nothing but good  (L D Quotes) If I fell down and hurt myself, I never cried. There was no one to hear me  (L D Quotes) I still do not know where the notes will come from when I accept a commission for a new work  (L D Quotes) When there were financial difficulties they still managed to provide us with music and art lessons  (L D Quotes)
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