L D Quotes

Text Quotes
I do believe that when you know better, you do better. You know what was wrong about the last relationship, and hopefully you will do better the next time (L D Quotes)
I don’t believe medical discoveries are doing much to advance human life. As fast as we create ways to extend it we are inventing ways to shorten it (L D Quotes)
I don’t feel despair because I am able to make the films I want to make, and that gives me hope (L D Quotes)
I don’t think it’s necessarily healthy to go into relationships as a needy person. Better to go in with a full deck (L D Quotes)
I fear that, in the end, the famous debate among materialists, idealists, and dualists amounts to a merely verbal dispute that is more a matter for the linguist than for the speculative philosopher (L D Quotes)
I guess by taking lessons early on, and really trying to play all the rudimentary stuff, and try to have it sound as good as my teacher. It took a lot of practice, which I enjoyed, and still do (L D Quotes)
I had seen people who had lost everything and everyone they loved to war, famine, and natural disasters (L D Quotes)
I have a desire to create more film, more beauty, more art, more love, but I don’t feel desperate. It’s not about creating or building a career (L D Quotes)
I have several dogs and several cats who aren’t really mine. In fact, they think that I am theirs. I’d like to have some goats and chickens, but I travel around too much (L D Quotes)
I kept my babies fed. I could have dumped them, but I didn’t. I decided that whatever trip I was on, they were going with me. You’re looking at a real daddy (L D Quotes)
I love hard political debate and I love beating somebody on a political point but what I’m more frustrated by is the politics where you play the man not the politics (L D Quotes)
I published, privately, a collection of my serious poetry I had written over the years. I only published 50 copies, which I gave to friends, in a special deluxe edition. It was ridiculously expensive but I’m glad that I did it (L D Quotes)
I really believe the only way to stay healthy is to eat properly, get your rest and exercise. If you don’t exercise and do the other two, I still don’t think it’s going to help you that much (L D Quotes)
I seem to be thinking rationally again in the style that is characteristic of scientists. However, this is not entirely a matter of joy as if someone returned from physical disability to good physical health (L D Quotes)
I still don’t understand the music industry that much. Everything I learned was from hanging out with rock musicians in studios. I certainly have respect for those who make music their livelihood (L D Quotes)
I think about baseball when I wake up in the morning. I think about it all day and I dream about it at night. The only time I don’t think about it is when I’m playing it (L D Quotes)
I think about death a lot, like I think we all do. I don’t think of suicide as an option, but as fun. It’s an interesting idea that you can control how you go. It’s this thing that’s looming, and you can control it (L D Quotes)
I think the best thing I can do is to be a distraction. A husband lives and breathes his work all day long. If he comes home to more table thumping, how can the poor man ever relax? (L D Quotes)
I tried a dozen different modifications that were rejected. But they all served as a path to the final design (L D Quotes)
I try to make my bed every day for mental health. Coming home to an unmade bed or a room with clothes all over will depress me (L D Quotes)
I was a cartoonist when I was at university, but I decided to go into movie making knowing that I could still draw by doing movies, design work, story boards, and such (L D Quotes)
I was so emotional. Choked up. I could hardly talk all day. I’ll be cleaning out my trailer and saying goodbye soon, realizing what a wonderful experience this has been (L D Quotes)
I would absolutely, definitely never sell my wedding pictures to a magazine. I’d like it to be a special day, not a photo shoot. And once you’ve done that, your marriage becomes everybody else’s business (L D Quotes)
I’m not a believer in the pratfall. I don’t think it’s funny just to have someone fall down (L D Quotes)
I’ve never had anyone define purity. You probably can’t define purity. Purity is to live according to original design (L D Quotes)
If I went to them all dressed up and flashed a nice smile for the cameras it would probably be easier for me to get work. But I just can’t tolerate it (L D Quotes)
If I were sufficiently romantic I suppose I’d have killed myself long ago just to make people talk about me. I haven’t even got the conviction to make a successful drunkard (L D Quotes)
If politics and business fail us, of course the military will be called in. In the developing world, the massive and repeated ecological disasters are quite commonly met by the military (L D Quotes)
If we are ever to enjoy life, now is the time, not tomorrow or next year... Today should always be our most wonderful day (L D Quotes)
If we go on the way we have, the fault is our greed and if we are not willing to change, we will disappear from the face of the globe, to be replaced by the insect (L D Quotes)