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L D Quotes

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It may not be possible to get rare roast beef but if you’re willing to settle for well done, ask them to hold the sweetened library paste that passes for gravy  (L D Quotes) No, I think the future of humanity will be like the past, we’ll do what we’ve always done and there will still be human beings. Granted, there will always be people doing something different and there are a lot of possibilities  (L D Quotes) I love soccer. That’s all I ever watch. I’ll watch it all day if I can. But I’m too bloody old to play now  (L D Quotes) I’ll do anything for $50. People are always trying to get me to do dumb things. The possibilities are endless  (L D Quotes) When we have all data online it will be great for humanity. It is a prerequisite to solving many problems that humankind faces  (L D Quotes) If you wait until the right time to have a child you’ll die childless, and I think film making is very much the same thing. You just have to take the plunge and just start shooting something even if it’s bad  (L D Quotes) The first of all commodities to be exchanged is labour, and the freedom of man consists only in the exercise of the right to determine for himself in what manner his labour shall be employed, and how he will dispose of its products  (L D Quotes) We have eyes, and we’re looking at stuff all the time, all day long. And I just think that whatever our eyes touch should be beautiful, tasteful, appealing, and important  (L D Quotes) Every actor I think has got their own number of takes that they like, you know. Some actors like to go all day, you know on the one scene and some actors want to take two takes. I personally like four  (L D Quotes) Americans rightly asked, if this is the way our government responds to a natural disaster it knew about days in advance, how would it respond to a surprise terrorist attack? How would it respond to an earthquake?  (L D Quotes) I don’t mind playing the same character, but if it’s not well done, then I’m not interested  (L D Quotes) Most of the time I meet my trainer at the gym and we do a lot of everything: weights circuit with cardio, football drills, sprinting with weights on the treadmill  (L D Quotes) You know, I didn’t have enough money to quit my day job... the myth of the major label deal. Nowadays, you have a tour bus and a stylist and all this stuff. But back then, no way  (L D Quotes) As long as you’re having fun and still doing stuff, it doesn’t matter what other people think  (L D Quotes) To sleep around is absolutely wrong for a woman; it’s degrading and it completely ruins her personality. Sooner or later it will destroy all that is feminine and beautiful and idealistic in her  (L D Quotes) It’s much more difficult to work on a broad subject than on a specific one, because even if it’s hard to find the information, if you look hard enough for something specific you will find it, and you will discover things that you wouldn’t have thought of before  (L D Quotes) I was the kid who always liked to take the ball down to the school even in my free time, kick it against the wall, juggle it in the front yard and so it was kind of a perpetual state of playing soccer for me  (L D Quotes) One of the very nice things about investing in the stock market is that you learn about all different aspects of the economy. It’s your window into a very large world  (L D Quotes) It’s hard when you see a scene where it’s raining, and we have the rain machine, and you see it for 5 minutes, but that scene takes all day to shoot, and you do it with rain, and the dry off, and go back and do it again  (L D Quotes) You go from movies where you are wearing nice clothes and you’re trying to smell good to a movie where you are in water and you are wet all day, and you are dealing with that elements, it gets rough, but it was definitely something I wanted to try  (L D Quotes) Of course, you’ll have to meet the physical and psychological demands. A space walk takes a lot of energy  (L D Quotes) Occasionally, I would focus on a particular school project and become obsessed with, what seemed to my mother, to be trivial details instead of apportioning the time I spent on school work in a more efficient way  (L D Quotes) I have no reason to sit home and write songs all day without going out and playing for the folks. And I have no reason to go play for the folks unless I’m writing new songs so they can sort of feed off one another. And I just try to do the best I can  (L D Quotes) Energetic action on debt would make a radical difference to the prospects of many of the poorest countries in the world, at no practical cost to creditor countries  (L D Quotes) No simplicity of mind, no obscurity of station, can escape the universal duty of questioning all that we believe  (L D Quotes) I think pulling off, pulling off a kind of fake documentary of me being a, you know, actual dictator would have been extremely difficult, if not impossible  (L D Quotes) I want to be the first lady to land a quadruple jump in competition. As I grow older, I know that my skating style will develop and mature  (L D Quotes) I’m not playing for other musicians. We’re trying to reach the guy who works all day and wants to spend a buck at night. We’ll keep him happy  (L D Quotes) When you put a group of actors together who get along, and we have since day one, they don’t become like their roles. What tends to happen is their age disappears and they all deal with each other as friends  (L D Quotes) Censorship always defeats it own purpose, for it creates in the end the kind of society that is incapable of exercising real discretion  (L D Quotes)
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