Label Quotes

Text Quotes
People think I have the benefit of a public school education. I have this suave and debonair label, but really, I’m as common as muck. (Label Quotes)
The best advice is to avoid foods with health claims on the label, or better yet avoid foods with labels in the first place. (Label Quotes)
The best part of being signed by a major label was having the support of a big company behind me and the ability to meet new artists and producers. (Label Quotes)
Best practices are useful reference points, but they must come with a warning label : The more you rely on external intelligence, the less you will value an internal idea. And this is the age of the idea (Label Quotes)
You can survive without a label... matter a fact, you’re better off without one! (Label Quotes)
Doing things in my day was simple: you either signed to a big label or you signed to a very small label, and you worked with that one, and then they eventually signed you on to a big one. (Label Quotes)
Bands are more willing to take risks and we don’t need this big label over us anymore telling us what it means to sell records and get into magazines. (Label Quotes)
My world is much bigger than music, and that’s why I always fight the ‘rock’ label (Label Quotes)
That’s why for Zakk Wylde’s Black Label Society the colors are black and white. There are no gray issues. Life is black and it’s white. There’s no in-between. (Label Quotes)
I was involved with the Nation of Islam. I wasn’t doing no marching. I’ve been involved with the Nation for 50 years. Back in those days, they tried to label us as black Muslims. There are Muslims all over the world. It doesn’t have to be black; it doesn’t matter what color he is. (Label Quotes)
The distinctions of what makes a book one genre or another can sometimes be a bit muddy, but generally it’s a matter of projecting who the audience will be, which is a judgment that’s based on the subject matter. ‘Mainstream’ is the cleanest label for a book that draws readers of both sexes and from a wide age-range. (Label Quotes)
I was told I had brain damage. I always knew it was an unfair label. Now I have a clearer understanding of what’s wrong and I feel relieved and a bit more relaxed about myself. (Label Quotes)
I am not really brand-conscious; I pick out clothes that appeal to me regardless of the label, but I consider my style very American. (Label Quotes)
I’m very content to have great management and a great label. But for me, success started when my managers came to me and told me, ‘Go ahead and quit your job.’ I told them, ‘As long as I don’t have to wash dishes anymore, I’m good.’ (Label Quotes)
It’s really hard because obviously people label you as a British East Asian actor. And I’m just from Salford; it’s where I was born. (Label Quotes)
I think most people would struggle to define their whole relationship with just one label - like: my girlfriend, boyfriend, brother, sister, confidantes, whatever - but in those moments, there’s true joy in each other. (Label Quotes)
I saw someone label me as a dubstep producer but I’m definitely not a dubstep producer. There’s nothing wrong with that, though, because that’s major. But it’s like a school bus driver being labeled as a NASCAR driver. I would love to be a NASCAR driver, but I drive buses for a living. (Label Quotes)
You know, I didn’t have enough money to quit my day job... the myth of the major label deal. Nowadays, you have a tour bus and a stylist and all this stuff. But back then, no way. (Label Quotes)
With the other fellow actors who have gone astray, I think it’s sad that society wants to label the business as doing this to people. It’s really not true. (Label Quotes)
I guess you’d call me an independent, since I’ve never identified myself with one party or another in politics. I always decide my vote by taking as careful a look as I can at the actual candidates and issues themselves, no matter what the party label. (Label Quotes)
I think we have to be careful about what we label as a prerequisite for spirituality. I don’t think you have to know a lot to have a spiritual life, but knowing gives life richness. (Label Quotes)
What’s really hurting me, the name Islam is involved, and Muslim is involved and causing trouble and starting hate and violence. ... Islam is not a killer religion. ... Islam means peace, I couldn’t just sit home and watch people label Muslims as the reason for this problem. (Label Quotes)
People like to think of you as a certain person, or a certain type of person, and they do love to give you a label. We like luggage labels, and we like people labels. (Label Quotes)
It’s a wonderful thing to make work that is unadorned either by context, framing or label, that can exist in the changing conditions of light, weather, wind. (Label Quotes)
I do feel Scottish in some way. Maybe it’s to do with visiting my grandparents here every summer as a child, but I am aware of my Scottish ancestry. It’s there all right, but it would be pushing it to label me a Scottish painter. Or, indeed, an anywhere painter. (Label Quotes)
There are some people who need to wear a label round their necks to show that they are Christians at all, or else we might mistake them for sinners, their actions are so like those of the ungodly. (Label Quotes)
Nerd boy? Where he? (Biff)’Okay... sad that they couldn’t even form a complete sentence. See what happens when you abuse steroids? Dudes should have read the warning label. First the penis shrinks, then the sentence structure deteriorates. Next thing you know, you’re climbing to the top of the Empire State Building, swatting at planes with your over-sized fists.’ (Nick) (Label Quotes)
Friends of friends had bands in college or in their early 20s and had a moment where they had some kind of interest from a record label or manager. It’s always interesting how people handle those decisions and those moments. (Label Quotes)
After coming from a major label, I realized the entire business has been decimated, and you can’t look to labels to try to figure it out because they don’t even use the technology, and they’re oblivious to how people consume music these days. (Label Quotes)
Commercial success still hasn’t come to an artist that isn’t signed to a record label. There are very few artists that can succeed without the help of a record label. The role of the record label is still required, it’s still necessary. (Label Quotes)