Labor is still, and ever will be, the inevitable price set upon everything which is valuable

Labor is still, and ever will be, the inevitable price set upon everything which is valuable
Samuel Smiles, a Scottish author and reformer, was a firm believer in the power of hard work and self-improvement. His famous quote, "Labor is still, and ever will be, the inevitable price set upon everything which is valuable," encapsulates his philosophy that success and achievement are only possible through diligent effort and perseverance.In Smiles' view, nothing of value comes easily or without sacrifice. Whether it be a successful career, a thriving business, or a fulfilling personal life, all require hard work and dedication. This idea is reflected in his writings, where he often emphasized the importance of self-reliance, determination, and industry.
Smiles believed that labor was not just a means to an end, but a fundamental aspect of human existence. He saw work as a source of pride, self-respect, and personal fulfillment. In his book "Self-Help," he argued that individuals have the power to shape their own destinies through their efforts and actions. He believed that by working hard and striving for excellence, people could overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.
For Smiles, labor was not just about earning a living or acquiring material wealth. It was about personal growth, self-improvement, and the development of character. He believed that through hard work and perseverance, individuals could build a better future for themselves and their communities.