Labor Quotes

Text Quotes
The emancipation of man is the emancipation of labor and the emancipation of labor is the freeing of that basic majority of workers who are yellow, brown and black. (Labor Quotes)
A lot of joblessness in the black community doesn’t seem to be reachable through fiscal and monetary policies. People have not been drawn into the labor market even during periods of economic recovery. (Labor Quotes)
We hear much of Bolshevism, much of labor unrest; at times, we hear the word ‘revolution.’ But these are but contagious diseases in the body of civilization, and I believe that the antitoxins of good cheer, mutual confidence, fairness and justice will ultimately cure these ills and make the world healthy and strong again. (Labor Quotes)
The stones in your driveway may have come from the slaves who spend all day breaking rocks because it’s cheaper for the company to get them from India, where the labor is free. We are all connected. And we all have human value. That’s what my work is about. (Labor Quotes)
When it comes to immigration reform, now is the time ... I’ve never seen a better political environment ... I’m not doing immigration reform to solve the Republican Party’s political problem. I’m trying to save our nation from, I think, a shortage of labor and a catastrophic broken system. (Labor Quotes)
A continuing narrative throughout Australia’s history that says it is better to build up than to tear down - this is the continuing mission of Labor. (Labor Quotes)
Building our homes as fortresses of righteousness for protection from the world takes constant labor and diligence. (Labor Quotes)
I decided to set out to prove that you could make a reasonable living building for the poor using recycled materials and only hiring unskilled labor. (Labor Quotes)
Building is just skilled labor, I suppose. It’s a lot of work. I don’t mind other people building them, but the way things go together and are made is interesting to me; I like that a lot. (Labor Quotes)
In May 2007, congressional Democrats and the Bush administration agreed to a plan to include environmental and international labor standards in upcoming trade agreements. (Labor Quotes)
The [Ronald] Reagan administration told the business world that they were not going to enforce the labor laws. (Labor Quotes)
Business, labor and civil society organizations have skills and resources that are vital in helping to build a more robust global community. (Labor Quotes)
The fact of the matter is that the U.S. is run by an unusually class-conscious, dedicated business class that has a very violent labor history, much worse than in Europe. (Labor Quotes)
Along with currency manipulation, the New Deal introduced to Americans the spectacle of Fascist dictation to business, labor, and agriculture. (Labor Quotes)
Labor should be recognized as entitled to consult with management in the mutual interest. Labor cannot be driven, and business cannot be successful unless the men employed in it are enthusiastic and loyal. That loyalty cannot be obtained with a big stick; it must be based upon fair dealing and sympathy. (Labor Quotes)
The motivation for war is simple. The U.S. government started the war with Iraq in order to make it easy for U.S. corporations to do business in other countries. They intend to use cheap labor in those countries, which will make Americans rich. (Labor Quotes)
As Americans, we have the right to decide who lives within our borders, and we can’t let unscrupulous employers to undercut honest business owners by exploiting cheap labor. (Labor Quotes)
As more and more Americans own shares of stock, more and more Americans understand that taxing businesses is taxing them. Regulating businesses is taxing them. They ought to be thinking long-term about their ownership, not just their income, and that they should pay taxes on capital, as well as taxes on labor. (Labor Quotes)
Brian Burke as we now know was the most influential person in the West Australian Labor Party, if you could attract him, you’re in business. (Labor Quotes)
It is morally, politically and socially wrong for business as business or labor as labor to participate directly in politics. (Labor Quotes)
As he farmed, hard labor left his hands callused, the sun bleached his hair, his face leathered, and his heart throbbed with music. (Labor Quotes)
When you look at the money spent by labor unions for Democrats, it comes as no surprise the Democrats crafted a campaign-finance ‘disclosure’ bill with the thresholds adjusted to exempt unions. (Labor Quotes)
Tax laws favor capital over labor, giving capital gains a lower rate than ordinary income. The rich get humongous mortgage interest deductions while renters get no deduction at all. (Labor Quotes)
It may be that the carbon tax is the final chapter in the strange death of Labor Australia (Labor Quotes)
I am very sure that any man of common understanding may, by culture, care, attention, and labor, make himself what- ever he pleases, except a great poet. (Labor Quotes)
Out of the current confusion of ideals and confounding of career hopes, a calm recognition may yet emerge that productive labor is the foundation of all prosperity. (Labor Quotes)
Out of the current confusion of ideals and and confounding of career hopes, a calm recognition may yet emerge that productive labor is the foundation of all prosperity. (Labor Quotes)
I have a Ph.D. in cell biology. And that’s really manual labor. I mean, experimental science, you do it with your hands. So it’s very different. You’re out there in a lab, cleaning test tubes, and it just wasn’t that fascinating. (Labor Quotes)
All humans change. Development is our life. Transition, in labor, is the most painful time. Without change, there’s no growth. (Labor Quotes)
The Republican Party looks at massive immigration, legal and illegal, as a source of cheap labor, satisfying a very important constituency. (Labor Quotes)