Labor Quotes

Text Quotes
You go through that stage where you’re coming up with the concept, ideas and all that you need to make a record. It always feels like hard labor. (Labor Quotes)
I worked in the Senate in the 1970s. I worked for the Labor, Public Welfare Committee, and we had Ted Kennedy and my old boss, Bill Hathaway, and Walter Mondale. (Labor Quotes)
There is a good deal of solemn can’t about the common interests of capital and labor. As matters stand, their only common interest is that of cutting each others throat. (Labor Quotes)
A lot of crops depend on labor, but they’re done by farmers that don’t communicate with one another. They’re never in the same room together. (Labor Quotes)
Growth makes management easier. In particular, it makes making labor concessions seem easy. It’s when growth stops because you’re being disrupted that managing becomes really, really hard, and as a result, most disrupted companies simply disappear. (Labor Quotes)
In the 1970s, New York City avoided bankruptcy because wise political leaders like Gov. Hugh L. Carey believed both in strong labor unions and robust banks and companies. (Labor Quotes)
If Mexican farm labor is so much cheaper, maybe we should be growing our fruits and vegetables in Mexico. There’s absolutely no reason to import Mexicans to do something they could do at home and then sell to us. I believe this is what economists call competitive advantage. (Labor Quotes)
That effort to undermine competitive markets is no better in the market for labor than it is for goods and services. (Labor Quotes)
Finding a ‘sacrificial lamb’ on whom to tag blame for complicated problems is an important instrument in the toolkit of politicians, because it deflects blame for the nation’s economic woes away from their own regulatory lapses, economic mismanagement and coddling to labor unions. (Labor Quotes)
Marx.... Lenin.... Mao Tse-Tung.... These men were animated by the love of brother and this we must believe though their ends meant the seizure of power, and the building of mighty armies, the compulsion of concentration camps, the forced labor and torture and killing of tens of thousands, even millions. (Labor Quotes)
Most of cooking is the labor of chopping. Give yourself a break. Pretend you’re on a cooking show and have all your ingredients lined up for you. (Labor Quotes)
Since the 1920s, when some U.S. cruise ships decided to fly a Panamanian flag to avoid Prohibition regulations, ships have commonly flown the flag of countries foreign to their owners. The benefits are obvious: lower taxes, laxer labor and safety laws. (Labor Quotes)
The key to happiness is not being rich; it’s doing something arduous and creating something of value and then being able to reflect on the fruits of your labor. (Labor Quotes)
The entire so-called history of the world is nothing but the creation of man through human labor (Labor Quotes)
To me, creative work is labor, like any other kind of labor. It’s got value, and it takes your time, and it’s useful to people, depending. (Labor Quotes)
The current information revolution is a cultural revolution, a social revolution, a thoroughgoing technological revolution that involves not just information, but labor, leisure, entertainment, communication, education, culture and thus is part of a major cultural and social shift. (Labor Quotes)
Labor, therefore, is a duty from which no man living is exempt, without forfeiting his right to his daily bread. (Labor Quotes)
Fires can’t be made with dead embers, nor can enthusiasm be stirred by spiritless men. Enthusiasm in our daily work lightens effort and turns even labor into pleasant tasks. (Labor Quotes)
I see robotic technology getting rid of the dangerous, the dirty, and the just plain boring jobs. Some people say, ‘You can’t. People won’t have anything to do.’ But we found things that were a lot easier than backbreaking labor in the sun and the fields. Let people rise to better things. (Labor Quotes)
Labor Day 2013 is special. This year marks the centennial of the U.S. Department of Labor - 100 years of working for America’s workers. (Labor Quotes)
Though President Grover Cleveland declared Labor Day a national holiday in 1894, the occasion was first observed on Sept. 5, 1882, in New York City. (Labor Quotes)
The diver plunges deep to find pearls, and we must accept any labor or hazard to win a soul (Labor Quotes)
If you define yourself as someone fixing education, there’s nothing short-range you can do to fix education directly. It’s labor intensive. You have to change the way people act. You have to convince people, and change people. (Labor Quotes)
Having worked as a labor and delivery nurse...I’ve seen know that those babies are real. (Labor Quotes)
I think most of us would agree that people who have, say, little formal schooling but labor honestly and diligently to help feed, clothe, and educate their families are deserving of greater respect - and help, if necessary - than many people who are superficially more successful. (Labor Quotes)
Digitally enabled supply chains initially increased efficiency and dramatically shortened lead times. Capital was mobile; labor, less so. Economic activity (production, research, design, etc.) moved to any accessible country or region that had relatively inexpensive labor and human capital. (Labor Quotes)
The labor movement was the principal force that transformed misery and despair into hope and progress. (Labor Quotes)
There is, in our nature, a disposition to indulgence, a secret desire to escape from labor, which, unless hourly combated, will overcome and destroy the best faculties of our minds and paralyze our most useful powers. (Labor Quotes)
I am a model of positivity compared to the kinds of vitriol, the kinds of destructive criticisms that Labor members of parliament have been making of each other. (Labor Quotes)
World trade depends on differences among countries, not similarities. Different countries are in different stages of development. It is appropriate for them to have different patterns, different policies for ecology, labor standards, and so forth. (Labor Quotes)