Laced Quotes
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I am a gluttonous, gorging failure. A waste. My body isn't used to high sugar carbs laced with witchcraft. It can barely cope with soup and crackers (Laced Quotes)
I laced my shoes with sorrow and walked a weary road dead end streets don’t come undone with double knots wing tipped shoes that walk on air through vacant lots (Laced Quotes)
Love, it’s such a night, laced with running water, irreparable, riddled with a million leaks. A night shaped like a shadow thrown by your absence. Every crack trickles, every overhang drips. The screech of nighthawks has been replaced by the splash of rain. The rain falls from the height of streetlights. Each drop contains its own shattering blue bulb (Laced Quotes)
Well time has a way of throwing it all in your face. The past, she is haunted, the future is laced (Laced Quotes)
There’s a magical layer of love that’s laced, designed to take us to a higher place (Laced Quotes)
Our relationship with nature has changed radically, irreversibly, but by no means all for the bad. Our new epoch is laced with invention. Our mistakes are legion, but our talent is immeasurable (Laced Quotes)
In her heart she harbors hatred for me, but it would ruin the game if we didn’t have tea. The words slither out laced with venom so vile it would pucker my face but she says it and smiles (Laced Quotes)
We always make our friend appear awkward and ridiculous by giving him a laced suit of tawdry qualifications, which nature never intended him to wear (Laced Quotes)
Boston is so laced with jerseys that you can be dressed head to toe in team apparel and no one will look twice (Laced Quotes)
Most of the Amazon basin is as flat as a pancake and laced with extravagantly meandering waterways. One school of thought holds that more than 145 million years ago, when Africa and South America were joined, the Amazon’s main stem was connected to the Niger River and actually flowed in the opposite direction, toward the Pacific Ocean. (Laced Quotes)
In the early Seventies, I had shoulder-length hair, bell-bottom pants, love beads and shirts that laced up at the front. But then I smartened up. (Laced Quotes)
A full moon sprinkled the black ocean with diamonds, and she could imagine fairies dancing in the silver foam that laced the huge, dark waves. (Laced Quotes)
... when your palm laced like water on a cheek of mine, a finger raidingeach contour by oath, we both knewthat in growing up, some signs had to besought behind closed doors, and upon discovery,remain beyond the doors we wrought as ransom. (Laced Quotes)
.. an emergency stash of Thin Mints. Frickin’ Girl Scouts. Those things were way to addictive. They had to be laced with crack. Charlie Davidson Fourth Grave Beneath my Feet (Laced Quotes)
I was a heavy heart to carry My beloved was weighed down My arms around his neck My fingers laced to crown. I was a heavy heart to carry My feet dragged across ground And he took me to the river Where he slowly let me drown My love has concrete feet My love’s an iron ball Wrapped around your ankles Over the waterfall (Laced Quotes)