Lack Quotes

Text Quotes
I believe in discipline. You can forgive incompetence. You can forgive lack of ability. But one thing you cannot ever forgive is lack of discipline (Lack Quotes)
Obviously, where art has it over life is in the matter of editing. Life can be seen to suffer from a drastic lack of editing. It stops too quick, or else it goes on too long. Worse, its pacing is erratic. Some chapters are little more than a few sentences in length, while others stretch into volumes. Life, for all its raw talent, has little sense of structure. It creates amazing textures, but it can’t be counted on for snappy beginnings or good endings either. Indeed, in many cases no ending is provided at all (Lack Quotes)
I think that the lack of intuition in fashion today is one of the most dangerous things. My fear is that our business is turning into a bag business, and it’s all about the bag. But it’s not only about the bag. It’s about the women. And it’s not about a bag or a shoe or the jewelry. It’s only about women... Being almost politically correct and doing only what you expect without the ability to make mistakes is very dangerous to fashion. We have to go with our heart. We have to go with our intuition (Lack Quotes)
Overtraining is the biggest problem incurred by runners who lack the experience or discipline to cope with their own enthusiasm (Lack Quotes)
I wondered why people consider escapism so bad, even the escapism on display right then. At first it might appear unseemly, but in the end its lack of pretension gives it its own sort of beauty (Lack Quotes)
Something amazing happens when the rest of the world is sleeping. I am glued to my chair. I forget that I ever wanted to do anything but write. The crowded city, the crowded apartment, and the crowded calendar suddenly seem spacious. Three or four hours pass in a moment; I have no idea what time it is, because I never check the clock. If I chose to listen, I could hear the swish of taxis bound for downtown bars or the soft saxophone riffs that drift from a neighbor’s window, but nothing gets through. I am suspended in a sensory deprivation tank, and the very lack of sensation is delicious (Lack Quotes)
Herein lies the real value of education. Advanced education may or may not make men and women more efficient; but it enriches personality, increases the wealth of the mind, and hence brings happiness. It is the finest insurance against old age, against the growth of physical disability, against the lack and loss of animal delights. How essential it is, then, in youth to acquire some intellectual or artistic tastes, in order to furnish the mind, to be able to live inside a mind with attractive and interesting pictures on the walls (Lack Quotes)
Being thankful is also the law of increase. What we give thanks for is automatically multiplied. If we have only a dime and give thanks for it, it will soon be increased. If we resent our position and dwell upon what we lack, that is exactly what we get back (Lack Quotes)
We may differ widely in environments, education, learning, knowledge, or lack of it, and in our personalities, our likes and dislikes. But if we set ourselves the task, we’ll find a meeting place somehow and somewhere (Lack Quotes)
Lack of proper endgame technique allows many players to escape from lost positions, even without any spectacular play on their part (Lack Quotes)
A decorator, no matter how talented, can’t always get the desired results because sometimes there is resistance or maybe a lack of understanding on the part of the client. I think it is the decorator’s job to work as a guide, to bring out the best qualities and the best attitudes (Lack Quotes)
Sometimes the lack of substantive freedoms relates directly to economic poverty, which robs people of the freedom to satisfy hunger; or to achieve sufficient nutrition, or to obtain remedies for treatable illnesses or the opportunity to be adequatley clothed or sheltered, or to enjoy clean water or sanitary facilities (Lack Quotes)
God loves me just as I am today. He knows all my junk... and lack of faith, and he loves me anyway. However, he loves me too much to leave me the way I am (Lack Quotes)
What could be the basis of our having more inherent value than animals? Their lack of reason, or autonomy, or intellect? Only if we are willing to make the same judgment in the case of humans who are similarly deficient (Lack Quotes)
Lack of patience is probably the most common reason for losing a game, or drawing games that should have been won (Lack Quotes)
Short of actual blunders, lack of faith in one’s position is the chief cause of defeat. To be sure, it is easy to recommend faith and not so easy to practise it (Lack Quotes)
My forte was the middlegame. I had a good feeling for the critical moments of the play. This undoubtedly compensated for my lack of opening preparation and, possibly, not altogether perfect play in the endgame. In my games things often did not reach the endgame! (Lack Quotes)
Simplicity is no longer presented as a virtue. The value of complex and difficult language has been preached with such insistence that the public has begun to believe the lack of clarity must be a sign of artistic talent (Lack Quotes)
There are other things that contribute to health besides a balanced diet. There are fresh air and sunlight and lack of nervous tension (Lack Quotes)
When we lack integrity, we use power to control. When we lead with integrity, we use power to bless (Lack Quotes)
Racism is predictable. It’s predicted by interaction or lack thereof with people unlike you, people of other races (Lack Quotes)
Our lack of perfection should remind us that no one has the right to judge other’s worth (Lack Quotes)
It is a happy circumstance that when nature gives us true burning desires, she also gives us the means to satisfy them. Those who want to win and lack skill can get someone with skill to help them (Lack Quotes)
Anarchy is all around us. Without it, our world would fall apart. All progress is due to it. All order extends from it. All blessed things that rise above the state of nature are owned to it. The human race thrives only because of the lack of control, not because of it. I’m saying that we need ever more absence of control to make the world a more beautiful place. It is a paradox that we must forever explain (Lack Quotes)
Fear is but another name for lack of power to control our minds, or, in other words, to control the kind of thought we think or put out (Lack Quotes)
You won’t ever build your confidence from a perception of lack. For it grows and evolves from realising who you are and what you already have (Lack Quotes)
A sign of the death of the heart: lack of sadness about beneficial actions you have missed, and lack of regret about your mistakes (Lack Quotes)
Learning acquired in youth arrests the evil of old age; and if you understand that old age has wisdom for its food, you will so conduct yourself in youth that your old age will not lack for nourishment (Lack Quotes)
Poverty is not only about income levels, but for lack of freedom that comes from physical insecurity (Lack Quotes)
Neither limits nor adversity are what ruin men. Under pressure, they handle themselves pretty well. It’s the lack of limits they can’t handle. That’s when they run amok. So, if you really want to see what a man is made of let him think he can get away with something (Lack Quotes)