Lack Quotes

Text Quotes
The lack of resources is no longer an excuse not to act. The idea that action should only be taken after all the answers and the resources have been found is a sure recipe for paralysis. The planning of a city is a process that allows for corrections; it is supremely arrogant to believe that planning can be done only after every possible variable has been controlled (Lack Quotes)
The great paradox is that our lack of faith in love and miracles is what blocks us from receiving love and miracles (Lack Quotes)
You can be the outcast or be the backlash of somebody’s lack of love. Or you can start speaking up (Lack Quotes)
Poverty is not just a lack of money; it is not having the capability to realize one’s full potential as a human being (Lack Quotes)
Good fortune is the greatest of blessings, but good counsel comes next, and the lack of it destroys the other also (Lack Quotes)
When someone isn’t smart enough to express their frustration, they use dirty words. Those are words that describe a lack of intelligence. Smart people don’t use those kind of dirty words, because they find it an insult to their intelligence (Lack Quotes)
People often remain in the dark, not due to lack of light but of failure to open their eyes (Lack Quotes)
I must say, I hate money. But it’s the lack of it I hate most (Lack Quotes)
Our world, so we see and hear on all sides, is drowning in materialism, commercialism, consumerism. But the problem is not really there. What we ordinarily speak of as materialism is a result, not a cause. The root of materialism is a poverty of ideas about the inner and the outer world. Less and less does our contemporary culture have, or even seek, commerce with great ideas, and it is that lack that is weakening the human spirit. This is the essence of materialism. Materialism is a disease of the mind starved for ideas (Lack Quotes)
Across the world, the lack of accountability for the harm to the environment and public health caused by conflict and military activities undermines global efforts to help fragile countries recover from armed conflicts (Lack Quotes)
As a physician, I am embarrassed by my profession’s lack of interest in healthier lifestyles. We need to change the way we approach chronic disease (Lack Quotes)
It seemed a marvel to her that any mortal should suffer for lack of love, and yet she had never known a mortal who didn’t feel unloved. There was enough love just in this ugly hallway, she thought, that no one should ever feel the lack of it again. She peered at the parents, imagining their hearts like machines, manufacturing surfeit upon surfeit of love for their children, and then wondered how something could be so awesome and so utterly powerless (Lack Quotes)
There’s enough food in this world. There’s enough housing in this world. There’s enough shelter in this world. There’s enough clothing in this world. There’s enough teachers, there’s enough universities for everybody’s needs to be met, and the reasons they aren’t is not because of lack of resources. It’s because of distribution, and that’s the politics of hate, which is why this is a movement against that. It’s a politics of love (Lack Quotes)
It would have been easier to fight alone with inadequate forces than to have to accept... responsibility for our ally’s lack of fighting qualities and dubious loyalty (Lack Quotes)
Leaders is the new organisation do not lack motivational tools, but the tools are different from those of traditional corporate bureaucrats. The new rewards are based not on status but on contribution, and they consist not of regular promotion and automatic pay rises, but of excitement about the mission and a share of the glory of success (Lack Quotes)
Mere lack of success does not discredit a method, for there are many things that determine and perpetuate our sanctified ways of doing things besides their success in reaching their proposed ends (Lack Quotes)
Even through you and I are in different boats, you in your boat and we our canoe, we share the same river of life. What befalls me befalls you. And downstream, downstream in this river of life, our children will pay for our selfishness, for our greed, and for our lack of vision (Lack Quotes)
Oftentimes we don’t manifest what we want in our lives, because our energy is too focused on what others are doing in their lives. This lack of focus in our own life, dilutes our energy and we leak our creative potential into other people’s soul experience (Lack Quotes)
When I play, I’m boiling inside. I just try not to show it because it’s a lack of composure, and if you give in to your emotions after one loss, you’re liable to have three or four in a row (Lack Quotes)
I work in waves, because I’m impatient. Because of a certain physicality, of lack of breath from standing. It has to be done and I do take liberties I wouldn’t have taken before (Lack Quotes)
In all serious disease states we find a concomitant low oxygen state... Low oxygen in the body tissues is a sure indicator for disease... Hypoxia, or lack of oxygen in the tissues, is the fundamental cause for all degenerative disease. Oxygen is the source of life to all cells (Lack Quotes)
You who are on the inside, don’t condemn my lack of faith too quickly; you who are on the outside, don’t be too quick to mock my overcredulity; you who are indifferent, don’t be too quick to wax ironic about my perpetual hesitations (Lack Quotes)
It is not depravity that afflicts the human race so much as a general lack of intelligence (Lack Quotes)
For too long, musicians have been the greatest enemy of music. Their lack of desire to proselytize is a kind of betrayal (Lack Quotes)
Because you lack a noble and successful past is no reason why you should lack a noble and successful future (Lack Quotes)
I believe we come to earth with sealed orders. I believe that only those who lack passion look down on purpose (Lack Quotes)
Despite my extremely modest prices, dealers and art lovers are turning their backs on me. It is very depressing to see the lack of interest shown in an art object which has no market value (Lack Quotes)
Know that you’re coming from plentitude and abundance. You lack nothing. You have star power (Lack Quotes)
A close look at many churches will reveal that a central problem is the lack of biblical maturity among the men (Lack Quotes)
True tolerance is not a total lack of judgment. It’s knowing what should be tolerated, and refusing to tolerate that which shouldn’t (Lack Quotes)