Ladyhawke Quotes

Text Quotes
I’m still always a country girl from New Zealand (Ladyhawke Quotes)
I always make music that’s reflective of the mindset I’m in at the time, and how I’m feeling (Ladyhawke Quotes)
It’s amazing. Being clearheaded for a show, for starters. Not being reflux-y because of the amount of beer you’ve drunk. (Ladyhawke Quotes)
I don’t drink anymore. That’s a huge - that’s a massive - difference in my life. It’s made a huge change in my touring. (Ladyhawke Quotes)
I am a fan of the true crime and horror genres! So, I’ve got a dark side too. (Ladyhawke Quotes)
I would be happier if it were a full audience full of drag queens. It would be my dreams come true. (Ladyhawke Quotes)
I have these thoughts. I think What if the show doesn’t sell well? What if it’s a half-empty room? These are the paranoia thoughts that go through my head on a day-by-day basis. (Ladyhawke Quotes)
I always make music that’s reflective of the mindset I’m in at the time, and how I’m feeling. (Ladyhawke Quotes)
With the second record (2012’s Anxiety), I was quite jaded, and exhausted, and tired. With this third record, I feel that I’ve come full circle. I had gotten to the absolute pinnacle of how bad someone could feel. (Ladyhawke Quotes)
I think I’ve got a lot of dark lines in this record [Wild Things] that I’ve hidden quite nicely among the nice things. (Ladyhawke Quotes)