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Laguna Quotes

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And I was in another band called Flash In The Pan, which was soca, Latin music, down in Laguna Beach  (Laguna Quotes) I love the ocean; growing up around Laguna Beach, I spent my summers surfing, diving, and snorkeling.  (Laguna Quotes) Who I was back then, when I started on ‘One Tree Hill,’ is so different from who I am now. Coming off Laguna, being 19 years old, and thrown into this odd, ridiculous spotlight, wasn’t for me. There have always been haters, and people don’t want to give you a chance or the benefit of the doubt, but this show gave me an opportunity.  (Laguna Quotes) The entire federal budget for landslide research is $3.5 million a year - far less than the property value lost on a single day when 17 mansions slid down a hill in 2005 in Laguna Beach, Calif.  (Laguna Quotes)