Laid Quotes

Text Quotes
Never leave the egg in you not laid. Don’t leave the laid eggs there not hatched. You deserve the best; you were created to use every gift in you! (Laid Quotes)
Chaos is roving through the system and able to undo, at any point, the best laid plans (Laid Quotes)
I cannot too greatly emphasize the importance and value of Bible study - more important than ever before in these days of uncertainties, when men and woman are apt to decide questions from the standpoint of expediency rather than the eternal principles laid down by God, Himself. (Laid Quotes)
One of the biggest challenges in my job is letting go of the movie once you go home at night, and knowing you can’t do anything to your performance once you’ve laid it on film. (Laid Quotes)
There was a manifesto in the late 60s/early 70s, and it basically laid out what ‘black art’ was and that it should embrace black history and black culture. There were all these rules - I was shocked, when I found it in a book, that it even existed, that it would demarcate these artists. (Laid Quotes)
I had written a tune called ‘Shake, Rattle and Roll,’ but the white stations refused to play it - they thought it was low-class black music. We thought what we needed was a new name. But a white disc jockey named Alan Freed laid on it, and he thought up the name ‘rock n’ roll.’ (Laid Quotes)
The Genius Pattern = Thy will be done with my talents with my circles of influence with the opportunities that are laid out in front of me to bless the world. (Laid Quotes)
Writing a novel is like heading out over the open sea in a small boat. It helps, if you have a plan and a course laid out. (Laid Quotes)
The sure foundations of the state are laid in knowledge, not in ignorance; and every sneer at education, at culture, at book learning, which is the recorded wisdom of the experience of mankind, is the demagogue’s sneer at intelligent liberty, inviting national degeneracy and ruin. (Laid Quotes)
It may sound a bit like an army barracks, but the truth of the matter is: there must be some time laid aside for arranging, time for working on either a book or an article - I’ve written two articles in the last four months for the New York Times book review section. (Laid Quotes)
Seize the Story’ takes readers all the way through the process of writing fiction, from beginning to end. Every element, from dialogue to setting, plotting to character creation, is laid out and illustrated with examples. But the tone of the book is not that of a dry writing manual - it’s definitely written for teenagers. (Laid Quotes)
I think Donald Trump laid out a series of priorities that doesn’t end with border security, it begins with border security. (Laid Quotes)
When I was a teeny little girl, I was in dancing school, and I sang. We had to put a dance to a song, so I went to the 10-cent store one day and looked at all the sheet music. It was all laid out, and I picked ‘Life Is Just a Bowl of Cherries.’ (Laid Quotes)
I was about sixteen when I discovered that music could get you laid, so I got into music boy, didn’t matter what you looked like either, you could be a geeky looking guy but if you played music, whoa, you’d get the girls. (Laid Quotes)
If I could only remember that the days were, not bricks to be laid row on row, to be built into a solid house, where one might dwell in safety and peace, but only food for the fires of the heart. (Laid Quotes)
In psychology, there’s something called the broken-leg problem. A statistical formula may be highly successful in predicting whether or not a person will go to a movie in the next week. But someone who knows that this person is laid up with a broken leg will beat the formula. No formula can take into account the infinite range of such exceptional events. (Laid Quotes)
The first organization structure in the modern West was laid down in the canon law of the Catholic Church eight hundred years ago. (Laid Quotes)
I was an altar boy in the Roman Catholic Church and no priest ever laid a hand on me. That’s me, always the bridesmaid... (Laid Quotes)
There is a lot to celebrate about that little Babe who was laid in a manger. Christians celebrate Christmas because they are thankful for the promise of salvation, which was delivered in human flesh and named Jesus. (Laid Quotes)
If you are playing King Lear you are the centre of attention anyway. You don’t need to draw attention to yourself. It’s all laid out for you. (Laid Quotes)
Self-education is the only possible education; the rest is mere veneer laid on the surface of a child’s nature. (Laid Quotes)
As a child is indulged or checked in its early follies, a ground is generally laid for the happiness or misery of the future man. (Laid Quotes)
The old man laid a withered, spotted hand on his shoulder. It hurts, boy, he said softly. Oh, yes. Choosing . . . it has always hurt. And always will. I know. (Laid Quotes)
At the cross, the worst about us-our sins-was laid upon Christ, and the best about Him-His righteousness-was laid upon us. (Laid Quotes)
In order to the existence of such a ministry in the Church, there is requisite an authority received from God, and consequently power and knowledge imparted from God for the exercise of such ministry; and where a man possesses these, although the bishop has not laid hands upon him according to his traditions, God has Himself appointed him. (Laid Quotes)
Its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery . . . is his natural and normal condition. (Laid Quotes)
We really had the whole piece laid out in like a Word file, just from beginning to end. It was kind of more like your creative-writing class in school. You know, you have the outline and then you just kind of plug the stuff in the little map you’ve made. (Laid Quotes)
It’s hard to have any moral authority over a group of drunken college students when you have never had a beer and never been laid. (Laid Quotes)
Taxes, well laid and well spent, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, and promote the general welfare. Taxes protect property and the environment; taxes make business possible. Taxes pay for roads and schools and bridges and police and teachers. Taxes pay for doctors and nursing homes and medicine. (Laid Quotes)
[But] age, the common enemy of mankind, has laid his hand upon you; would that it had fallen upon some other, and that you were still young. (Laid Quotes)