Laid Quotes

Text Quotes
The reason you often get in comedy is because you’re not getting laid (Laid Quotes)
There we were in the middle of a sexual revolution wearing clothes that guaranteed we wouldn’t get laid. (Laid Quotes)
What I like about stand-up is, it’s truthful. I’m not up there trying to get laid or look cool. I’m up there because I really love it, and it makes people happier. (Laid Quotes)
Don’t wear bacon cologne. If you put know what? Screw it. Wear it. If you are the type of guy who is tempted to wear bacon cologne, it’s not like you could get laid any less. (Laid Quotes)
I’m a skinny, geeky, high school dropout - it works, kids! Sensitive guys always get the girl. You’ll get laid 10 times as much as that guy on the football team ‘cause he’s on steroids and he’s gonna get fat. (Laid Quotes)
Never underestimate the power of telling a teenage boy he’s risking his chances of getting laid. Works almost every time. (Laid Quotes)
As an adult, getting paid thousands of dollars a week to say, Aye, Sir. Course laid inis a seriously sweet gig, but when I was a teenager, it sucked. (Laid Quotes)
Teens aren’t just interested in getting laid. I won’t believe that’s all they’re interested in. I have four younger sisters and they’re sick of being shown how they’re supposed to react in bed. (Laid Quotes)
When something is coming off of a Neve board and being laid down on tape, it’s like a warm blanket for the brain. When you’re working in a digital form, it’s so harsh; it’s almost painful. Your ears get more fatigued if you’re mixing all day. (Laid Quotes)
Christian hypocrites who pretend to hate life and love death. He may talk about the soul-what he is after is the girl Love means suffering-those who love drag a chain with them. To her it was not a belief but a certainty Trifling incident gains importance when undue emphasis is laid. (Laid Quotes)
Julian Assange is certainly no hero. The man behind WikiLeaks issued threats as if he were Dr. No bent on ending civilization as we know it. We will find him, lock him up, and throw away the key. But give the man credit; for a week the truth was laid bare. (Laid Quotes)
A dark cloud is no sign that the sun has lost his light; and dark black convictions are no arguments that God has laid aside His mercy. (Laid Quotes)
What laid me low was no mystical vision, no message from God, but a blow of compassion. In a wakeful mind, no force is more terrible, or precious. (Laid Quotes)
Jesus is not only the Son of God, but He is God Himself. Having all power in His hands, He laid down His life for people who deserved God’s justice, not His mercy. (Laid Quotes)
How prophetic L’Enfant was when he laid out Washington as a city that goes around in circles! (Laid Quotes)
When you take into public ownership a profitable industry the profits soon disappear. The goose that laid the golden eggs goes broody. State geese are not great layers. (Laid Quotes)
The goose that lays golden eggs has been considered a most valuable possession. But even more profitable is the privilege of taking the golden eggs laid by somebody else’s goose. The investment bankers and their associates now enjoy that privilege. (Laid Quotes)
I find suggestion a hell of a lot more provocative than explicit detail. You didn’t see Clark[Gable] and Vivien[leigh] rolling around in bed in Gone With The Wind, but you saw that shit eating grin on her face the next morning and you knew damned well she’d gotten properly laid. (Laid Quotes)
I think we have a good foundation which Mr. Lee Kuan Yew laid down, but you have to move forward. Now the question is what can Mr. Lee Hsien Loong and his team, and all our younger ministers can do now to build on the foundation which Mr. Lee Kuan Yew has built. (Laid Quotes)
A good sister is one who won’t be embarrassed when you burst into tears in public. A better one will hand you tissues until you stop. The best is the one who will go get you another latte to go with the ginormous chocolate orgy she’s already laid in front of you. (Laid Quotes)
It may be laid as an universal rule that a government which attempts more than it ought will perform less. (Laid Quotes)
Thanks to many great K-pop singers, the groundwork has been laid for more Korean songs to be readily accessible to an overseas audience via channels like YouTube. (Laid Quotes)
What we say here every day is that our success is really based on our members’ success, our community’s success. We’ve created an infrastructure and laid some basic ground rules to create this marketplace. (Laid Quotes)
It’s one thing to be a wisecracking precocious teen hanging out with twenty-seven year olds.It’s another thing to get in the way of a grown man trying to get laid. (Laid Quotes)
If people get all the sex they can handle, they’re so happy and content they just sit around and smile. I mean, you never feel aggressive just after you’ve gotten laid, right? Lots of sex for everybody, that’s a solution to the world’s problems. (Laid Quotes)
I believe that whether you love your job or hate your job, get laid off or are just in-between jobs, you deserve health care that can never be taken away. (Laid Quotes)
When there was nothing left inside, he laid his head down on the carpet and stared at the wooden railing. He was even emptier than before. How was it possible that hollowness could dig so deep? (Laid Quotes)
My tears simply broke through the fragile wallthat had held them, and with a terrible feeling of shame, I laid my head upon the table and let them drain out of me. (Laid Quotes)