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Landfills Quotes

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The current system punishes communities which make the investment in creating landfills, only to have them filled by states which refuse to adequately address their waste issues  (Landfills Quotes) We can’t have landfills forever, and we can’t ask others to accept our trash  (Landfills Quotes) Cities offer us powerful leverage on our most stubborn, wasteful practices. Long commutes in our cars, big power bills from our energy-hogging buildings, shopping trips to buy stuff that’ll spend a few short months in our homes and long centuries in our landfills  (Landfills Quotes) I’m scared by the enormous amount of bottled water being consumed today, instead of people drinking filtered tap water. Did you know that nearly 90 percent of those plastic bottles are not recycled and wind up in landfills where it takes thousands of years for the plastic to decompose?  (Landfills Quotes) Aside from its parks and nature areas, Singapore is intensively developed, and due to the shortage of land, is building up, down and on manmade islands and landfills.  (Landfills Quotes)