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Landmine Quotes

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Prejudice marks a mental landmine  (Landmine Quotes) Every morning I jump out of bed and step on a landmine. The landmine is me. After the explosion, I spent the rest of the day putting the pieces together  (Landmine Quotes) As a footballer I can’t imagine life without the use of one of my legs... Sadly this is exactly what happens to thousands of children every year when they accidentally step on a landmine  (Landmine Quotes) Not only do these abominable weapons lie buried in silence and in their millions waiting to kill or maim innocent women and children; but the presence or even the fear of the presence of a single landmine can prevent the cultivation of an entire field, rob a whole village of its livelihood, place yet another obstacle on a country’s road to reconstruction and development  (Landmine Quotes) Sacrifice is going to war for your country. Sacrifice is a brave young man being blown up by a landmine in Afghanistan.  (Landmine Quotes) By the late 1980s, there was the beginning of awareness about a significant global landmine problem, and small steps were being taken to try to deal with the problem.  (Landmine Quotes)