Langston Hughes Quotes

Text Quotes
You don't work no harder than me and yet you expects me to do the shopping, cooking, cleaning, and wash your filthy clothes, too, when I come home (Langston Hughes Quotes)
As long as what is is - and Georgia is Georgia - I will take Harlem for mine. At least, if trouble comes, I will have my own window to shoot from (Langston Hughes Quotes)
Melting pot Harlem - Harlem of honey and chocolate and caramel and rum and vinegar and lemon and lime and gall. Dusky dream Harlem rumbling into a nightmare tunnel where the subway from the Bronx keeps right on downtown (Langston Hughes Quotes)
Teach us all to do right, Lord, please, and to get along together with that atom bomb on this Earth - because I do not want it to fall on me - nor thee-nor anybody living. Amen! (Langston Hughes Quotes)
Everybody should take each other as they are, white, black, Indians, Creole. Then there would be no prejudice, nations would get along (Langston Hughes Quotes)
Nobody can keep spring out of Harlem. I stuck my head out the window this morning and spring kissed me bang in the face (Langston Hughes Quotes)
Summer was made to give you a taste of what hell is like. Winter was made for landladies to charge high rents and keep cold radiators and make a fortune off of poor tenants (Langston Hughes Quotes)
Hard as I try, daddy-o, I really do not like concert singers. They are always singing in some foreign language (Langston Hughes Quotes)
When I were a young man, I used to play baseball and steal bases just like Jackie [Robinson], If the umpire would rule me out, I would get mad and hit the umpire (Langston Hughes Quotes)
It were depression, too. They cut my wages down once at the foundry. They cut my wages down again. Then they cut my wages out, also the job (Langston Hughes Quotes)
These feet have walked ten thousand miles working for white folks and another ten thousand keeping up with colored (Langston Hughes Quotes)
Age has nothing to do with wisdom, said Simple. I know a man fifty-two years old who never does go home except to take a bath and change his underwear (Langston Hughes Quotes)
I know how to handle women who act like ladies, but my landlady ain't no lady. Sometimes I even wish I was living with my wife again so I could have my own place and not have no landladies (Langston Hughes Quotes)
To create a market for your writing you have to be consistent, professional, a continuing writer - not just a one-article or a one-story or a one-book man (Langston Hughes Quotes)
Humor is when the joke's on you but hits the other fellow first - before it boomerangs (Langston Hughes Quotes)
I did not believe political directives could be successfully applied to creative writing... Not to poetry or fiction, which to be valid had to express as truthfully as possible the individual emotions and reactions of the writer (Langston Hughes Quotes)
Politics can be the graveyard of the poet. And only poetry can be his resurrection (Langston Hughes Quotes)
I’m so tired of waiting, aren’t you, for the world to become good and beautiful and kind? (Langston Hughes Quotes)
... the only way to get a thing done is to start to do it, then keep on doing it, and finally you’ll finish it, (Langston Hughes Quotes)
Well, I like to eat, sleep, drink, and be in love. I like to work, read, learn, and understand life (Langston Hughes Quotes)
Life is a egg you have to be patient and carefull with it or it will brake (Langston Hughes Quotes)
Life is for the living. Death is for the dead. Let life be like music. And death a note unsaid (Langston Hughes Quotes)
Most musicians remain poor. But the music that they make, even if it does not bring them millions, gives millions of people happiness (Langston Hughes Quotes)
I stuck my head out the window this morning and spring kissed me bang in the face (Langston Hughes Quotes)
It has seemed to me that most people are generally good, in every race and in every country where I have been (Langston Hughes Quotes)
I dream a world... where wretchedness will hang its head and joy, like a pearl, attends the needs of all mankind. Of such I dream, my world! (Langston Hughes Quotes)
Life is a big sea full of many fish. I let down my nets and pulled. I’m still pulling (Langston Hughes Quotes)
For my best poems were all written when I felt the worst. When I was happy, I didn’t write anything (Langston Hughes Quotes)
Misery is when you heard on the radio that the neighborhood you live in is a slum but you always thought it was home (Langston Hughes Quotes)
When poems stop talking about the moon and begin to mention poverty, trade unions, color, color lines and colonies, somebody tells the police (Langston Hughes Quotes)