Language Quotes

Text Quotes
A new language requires a new technique. If what you’re saying doesn’t require a new language, then what you’re saying probably isn’t new (Language Quotes)
The language that photography has is a formal language. Any photographer is doing something formal. If it’s formal, then it must be an aesthetic way to communicate (Language Quotes)
Human language has a vocabulary suited to our daily needs and functions: the shape of any human language maps approximately to the needs and activities of our mundane lives. But few would deny that there is another dimension of human existence which transcends the mundane: call it the soul, the spirit: it is that part of the human frame which sees the shimmer of the numinous (Language Quotes)
Music can make a difference. There is a global nature to music, which has the potential to bring all people together. Music is truly an international language, and I hope to contribute by widening communication as much as I can (Language Quotes)
Poetry is not a silent art. The poem must perform, unaided, in its reader’s head. Educated readers give themselves a good performance. Educated listeners compare performance with text and with other performances. Good poets use the full resources of language (Language Quotes)
To say a grid is limiting is to say that language is limiting, or typography is limiting. It is up to us to use these media critically or passively (Language Quotes)
What does it matter, if we tell the same old stories?... Stories tell us who we are. What we’re capable of. When we go out looking for stories we are, I think, in many ways going in search of ourselves, trying to find understanding of our lives, and the people around us. Stories, and language tell us what’s important (Language Quotes)
Every drop of human blood contains a history book written in the language of our genes (Language Quotes)
The divine communicates to us primarily through the language of the natural world. Not to hear the natural world is not to hear the divine (Language Quotes)
We agree that language functions in a certain way so that we can understand each other; but within that are built all sorts of sentimental codes, codes of authenticity, codes of certain kinds of emotion (Language Quotes)
Tell me how much a nation knows about its own language, and I will tell you how much that nation knows about its own identity (Language Quotes)
When we developed written language, we significantly increased our functional memory and our ability to share insights and knowledge across time and space. The same thing happened with the invention of the printing press, the telegraph, and the radio (Language Quotes)
A song is like a smile. If you meet people from another country, even if you don’t speak the same language, you know what a smile means. A song works the same way. Music produces feelings that need no translation (Language Quotes)
Your life doesn’t happen in any kind of order. Events don’t have cause and effect relationships the way you wish they did. It’s all a series of fragments and repetitions and pattern formations. Language and water have this in common (Language Quotes)
The stars have their own language, you know. If you’re careful, you can learn it (Language Quotes)
There are a lot of guys out there with skills who have not contributed to the evolution of the instrument. It’s about more than that... it’s an emotive language, an aesthetic. Skill is an aspect, but it’s what you do with that skill, or say with that skill, that matters (Language Quotes)
I understand signifiers. We’re social creatures and we have a physical language of communicating with each other. But it would be a really beautiful thing if we could all just wear what we wanted, without it meaning something… it would be a lovely place if we didn’t necessarily judge or jump to conclusions because someone wants to wear a dress or because someone wants to wear pants (Language Quotes)
Every actor you work with has a different method, same with the director. You have to figure out what your shared language is and how to best support each other, and also take care of yourself (Language Quotes)
The unfortunate are not as miserable as the world imagines. That urchins, the handicapped, orphans, prisoners and others are much happier than people think. And that language is a trap, that a dark evolutionary force has created languages to limit human thought. That writers are overrated fools. That all religions come from ancient comic writers. And the ultimate goal of comics is same as the purpose of humanity – to break free from language (Language Quotes)
Personally I like going places where I don’t speak the language, don’t know anybody, don’t know my way around and don’t have any delusions that I’m in control. Disoriented, even frightened, I feel alive, awake in ways I never am at home (Language Quotes)
One can say, looking at the papers in this symposium, that the elucidation of the genetic code is indeed a great achievement. It is, in a sense, the key to molecular biology because it shows how the great polymer languages, the nucleic acid language and the protein language, are linked together (Language Quotes)
You should do whatever language you feel is the perfect language for you to sing in and then try to strive to do the best (Language Quotes)
I tried to take seriously the idea that if you tortured language you might arrive at some new truth. Later it became clear to me that I was retreading ground by fighting the literary battles of the 1950s and 1960s, and that I was actually a bit bored by some of the books I professed to love (Language Quotes)
I do not so easily think in words... after being hard at work having arrived at results that are perfectly clear... I have to translate my thoughts in a language that does not run evenly with them (Language Quotes)
... it is true that language and forward movement in the cinema are jolly hard to reconcile. It’s a very, very, difficult thing to do... There is still a place in the cinema for movies that are driven by the human face, and not by explosions and cars and guns and action sequences... there’s such a thing as action and speed within thought rather than within a ceaseless milkshake of images (Language Quotes)
I love to play with language; make it do tricks, turn a word inside out to see if it’s got a hidden meaning tucked away somewhere, or perhaps find that it’s capable of an extra entendre or two... Plotting is nothing I did, or do, naturally. It is the hardest part of the writing process. No matter how many times you plot a script successfully, the next one, representing new and uncharted territory, convinces you that you really don’t know how to do it at all (Language Quotes)
To speak about this universal force that will lead us beyond on the last horizon of our known self toward a wiser, more loving, more luminous states of being, we do not need to invent a new language. But we do need to listen to the old, the ancient one, not with our jaded minds, but with our awakened souls (Language Quotes)
His jargon conceals, from him, but not from us, the deep, empty hole in his mind. He uses technological language as a substitute for technique (Language Quotes)
Learning astrology is like learning any foreign language. You already have the ideas, concepts, and experiences of your life within you; you are just learning a new language for what you are already experiencing (Language Quotes)
A new, a vast, and a powerful language is developed for the future use of analysis, in which to wield its truths so that these may become of more speedy and accurate practical application for the purposes of mankind than the means hitherto in our possession have rendered possible (Language Quotes)