Laozi Quotes

Text Quotes
The most fundamental seems fickle (Laozi Quotes)
There is no greater danger than underestimating your opponent (Laozi Quotes)
He who talks more is sooner exhausted (Laozi Quotes)
Moderation means prevention. Prevention means achieving much virtue (Laozi Quotes)
Before healing others, heal yourself (Laozi Quotes)
Health is the greatest possession (Laozi Quotes)
The sage regards things as difficult, and thereby avoids difficulty (Laozi Quotes)
The purest white seems stained (Laozi Quotes)
Lessen selfishness and restrain desires (Laozi Quotes)
Without law or compulsion, men would dwell in harmony (Laozi Quotes)
Violence, even well intentioned, always rebounds upon oneself (Laozi Quotes)
Return animosity with virtue (Laozi Quotes)
Wary, as if surrounded by strangers (Laozi Quotes)
Darkness within darkness. The gateway to all understanding (Laozi Quotes)
Excellent leaders of people lower themselves (Laozi Quotes)
The sage acts by doing nothing (Laozi Quotes)
A good traveler leaves no tracks. Good speech lacks fault-finding (Laozi Quotes)
The Way is eternal. Until your last day, you are free from peril (Laozi Quotes)
Heaven and Earth are not kind. They regard all things as offerings (Laozi Quotes)
Heaven’s Way gives no favors. It always remains with good people (Laozi Quotes)
The Way to Heaven has no favorites. It is always with the good man (Laozi Quotes)
Its name-what passes not away; (Laozi Quotes)
Practice non-action. Work without doing (Laozi Quotes)
He who holds balance...has attained the highest post in the world. (Laozi Quotes)
The good leader carries water for his people (Laozi Quotes)
Those who do not trust enough should not be trusted (Laozi Quotes)
What’s the difference between beautiful and ugly? (Laozi Quotes)
Trustable words are not beautiful; beautiful words are not trustable (Laozi Quotes)
Peace is our natural state of being (Laozi Quotes)
The best way to manage anything is by making use of its own nature (Laozi Quotes)