Large Quotes

Text Quotes
The natives, by and large, had to be driven to work with clubs, they preserved that much dignity, whereas the whites, perfected by public education, worked of their own free will (Large Quotes)
Patchway had the enviable countryman's capacity, which is shared only by great actors, of standing by and saying nothing, and yet existing, large, present, and at ease (Large Quotes)
The great advantage of living in a large family is that early lesson of life's essential unfairness (Large Quotes)
Over all crowds there seems to float a vague distress, an atmosphere of pervasive melancholy, as if any large gathering of people creates an aura of terror and pity (Large Quotes)
When the watermelons were as large as a child's head, the women boiled them, but they collapsed into a tasteless green mush that no one could eat, not the children, not the cow (Large Quotes)
In general, if we carefully examine any given situation in a very unbiased and honest way, we will realize that to a large extent we are also responsible for the unfolding of events (Large Quotes)
The idea of putting old Browborough into prison for conduct which habit had made second nature to a large proportion of the House was distressing to Members of Parliament generally (Large Quotes)
You write out of experience, and a large part of that experience is the life of the spirit; reading is the liberation into the minds of others (Large Quotes)
There is a very easy way to return from a casino with a small fortune: go there with a large one (Large Quotes)
It has now become the doctrine of a large clan of politicians that political honesty is unnecessary, slow, subversive of a man's interests, and incompatible with quick onward movement (Large Quotes)
The success of a party means little more than that the nation is using the party for a large and definite purpose. It seeks to use and interpret a change in its own plans and point of view (Large Quotes)
Duty is duty, conscience is conscience, right is right, and wrong is wrong, whatever sized type they may be printed in. Large or small are not words for the vocabulary of conscience (Large Quotes)
A large bare forehead gives a woman a masculine and defying look. The word effrontery comes from it. The hair should be brought over such a forehead as vines are trailed over a wall (Large Quotes)
Jealousy sees things always with magnifying glasses which make little things large, of dwarfs giants, suspicions truths (Large Quotes)
Sure, he that made us with such large discourse, looking before and after, gave us not that capability and God - like reason to fust in us unus'd (Large Quotes)
There are certainly not so many men of large fortune in the world, as there are pretty women to deserve them (Large Quotes)
Every secret of a writer's soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind is written large in his works (Large Quotes)
He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice (Large Quotes)
Switzerland is a small, steep country, much more up and down than sideways, and is all stuck over with large brown hotels built on the cuckoo clock style of architecture (Large Quotes)
No. Leonato, I never tempted her with word too large, but, as brother to his sister, showed bashful sincerity and comely love (Large Quotes)
The direct use of force is such a poor solution to any problem, it is generally employed only by small children and large nations (Large Quotes)
It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets (Large Quotes)
Turkey: A large bird whose flesh, when eaten on certain religious anniversaries has the peculiar property of attesting piety and gratitude (Large Quotes)
He that raises a large family does, indeed, while he lives to observe them, stand a broader mark for sorrow; but then he stands a broader mark for pleasure too (Large Quotes)
If there were in the world today any large number of people who desired their own happiness more than they desired the unhappiness of others, we could have a paradise in a few years (Large Quotes)
I am often asked if, when I was secretary, I had problems with foreign men. That is not who I had problems with, because I arrived in a very large plane that said United States of America. I had more problems with the men in our own government (Large Quotes)
By and large, the critics and readers gave me an affirmed sense of my identity as a writer. You might know this within yourself, but to have it affirmed by others is of utmost importance. Writing is, after all, a form of communication (Large Quotes)
The number of illegal activities were so large that one was bound to come out and lead to the uncovering of the others. Nixon was too willing to use the power of government to settle scores and get even with enemies (Large Quotes)
Natural abilities are like natural plants, that need pruning by study; and studies themselves do give forth directions too much at large, except they be bounded in by experience (Large Quotes)
I must have liberty withal, as large a charter as the wind, to blow on whom I please, for so fools have (Large Quotes)