Large Quotes

Text Quotes
Large newspapers are routinely censored by legal costs. It is time this stopped. It is time a country said, enough is enough, justice must be seen, history must be preserved, and we will give shelter from the storm (Large Quotes)
Everything that can be found in the universe on a large scale is reflected in a human being on a small scale (Large Quotes)
He has his good side and his bad side. Very dark indeed is his majesty when he wants to be. When he was young, he made a choice, like a tree does when it decides to grow one way or the other. He grew large and green until he shadowed over the whole forest, but most of his branches are twisted (Large Quotes)
It requires courage to make a frontal attack on nature through the broad planes and the large lines and it is cowardly to do it by the facets and details. It is a battle (Large Quotes)
If the prior distribution, at which I am frankly guessing, has little or no effect on the result, then why bother; and if it has a large effect, then since I do not know what I am doing how would I dare act on the conclusions drawn? (Large Quotes)
Genies rarely have nightmares, for the same reason that elephants don’t usually worry about being trampled underfoot. With the possible exception of bottles, there’s nothing in the cosmos large enough or malicious enough to frighten them, or stupid enough to try (Large Quotes)
Christendom, as an effect, must be accounted for. It is too large for a mortal cause (Large Quotes)
Once you get them running, you stay right on top of them, and that way a small force can defeat a large one every time... Only thus can a weaker country cope with a stronger; it must make up in activity what it lacks in strength (Large Quotes)
I am walking over hot coals suspended over a deep pit at the bottom of which are a large number of vipers baring their fangs (Large Quotes)
Hypochondriacs squander large sums of time in search of nostrums by which they vainly hope they may get more time to squander (Large Quotes)
I think that no matter how old or infirm I may become, I will always plant a large garden in the spring. Who can resist the feelings of hope and joy that one gets from participating in nature’s rebirth? (Large Quotes)
Laws are like spiders webs which, if anything small falls into them they ensnare it, but large things break through and escape (Large Quotes)
Sociology and anthropology are not disciplines which take easily to situations where people are able to live out their fantasies, not just in the symbolic action of ritual, but in the concrete theater of society at large (Large Quotes)
I learned to make my mind large, as the universe is large, so that there is room for paradoxes (Large Quotes)
I always get back to the question, is it really necessary that men should consume so much of their bodily and mental energies in the machinery of civilized life? The world seems to me to do much of its toil for that which is not in any sense bread. Again, does not the latent feeling that much of their striving is to no purpose tend to infuse large quantities of sham into men’s work? (Large Quotes)
It is true that when we take chances, we stand to lose. But it is also true that we will never win anything if we never even enter the game. Lucky people are aware of the possibility of losing, and indeed they may lose often. But since the chances they take are small, the losses tend to be small. By being willing to accept small losses they put themselves in position to make large gains (Large Quotes)
If one finds the strength to deal with small things, one finds it to deal with the large ones as well (Large Quotes)
The future of humanity is uncertain, even in the most prosperous countries, and the quality of life deteriorates; and yet I believe that what is being discovered about the infinitely large and infinitely small is sufficient to absolve this end of the century and millennium. What a very few are acquiring in knowledge of the physical world will perhaps cause this period not to be judged as a pure return of barbarism (Large Quotes)
One cannot expect to coast along and rise automatically to the top, no matter what friends you may have in the company. There may have been a time when, in large corporations, a person could rise simply because he had a stock interest or because he had friends in top management. That’s not true today. Success in business requires training and discipline and hard work. But if you’re not frightened by these things, the opportunities are just as great today as they ever were (Large Quotes)
Pride, like laudanum and other poisonous medicines, is beneficial in small, though injurious in large, quantities. No man who is not pleased with himself, even in a personal sense, can please others (Large Quotes)
Stage charm guarantees in advance an actor’s hold on the audience, it helps him to carry over to large numbers of people his creative purposes. It enhances his roles and his art. Yet it is of utmost importance that he use this precious gift with prudence, wisdom, and modesty. It is a great shame when he does not realize this and goes on to exploit, to play on his ability to charm (Large Quotes)
It is by speech that many of our best gains are made. A large part of the good we receive comes to us in conversation (Large Quotes)
Great towns are but a large sort of prison to the soul; like cages to birds, or pounds to beasts (Large Quotes)
If football players were armed with guns, there wouldn’t be stadiums large enough to hold the crowds (Large Quotes)
There’s nothing that will change someone’s moral outlook quicker than cash in large sums (Large Quotes)
Awards are important for all directors because they improve your working conditions. You’re only as good as your last film, so if you get prizes or large audiences, then you get more money for your next film (Large Quotes)
I have a very large forehead. I have a pronounced skull. Maybe producers think that there is a lot going on up in there (Large Quotes)
Governments take too long to get things done and there are far too many varied interests at stake. If you were starting a business today and needed a partner, you would never choose a large bureaucratic institution like the government (Large Quotes)
Living modestly in a suburban neighborhood while trying to support four children through private school is not extravagant or living large (Large Quotes)
I’ve never particularly liked travelling with large groups or being told where to go by somebody else. I prefer to find out for myself (Large Quotes)