Large Quotes

Text Quotes
The control of a large force is the same principle as the control of a few men: it is merely a question of dividing up their numbers (Large Quotes)
No company, small or large, can win over the long run without energized employees who believe in the mission and understand how to achieve it (Large Quotes)
The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed (Large Quotes)
As time goes on, I get more and more convinced that the right method of investment is to put fairly large sums into enterprises which one thinks one knows something about and in the management of which one thoroughly believes (Large Quotes)
I think somebody should come up with a way to breed a very large shrimp. That way, you could ride him, then after you camped at night, you could eat him. How about it, science? (Large Quotes)
It’s important to adhere to the principles of a large group of people that truly believe these principles, and if they believe them, then that’s good enough for me (Large Quotes)
Perhaps it’s my natural pessimism, but it seems that an awfully large part of travel these days is to see things while you still can (Large Quotes)
In large organizations the dilution of information as it passes up and down the hierarchy, and horizontally across departments, can undermine the effort to focus on common goals (Large Quotes)
Roughly speaking, I think it’s accurate to say that a corporate elite of managers and owners governs the economy and the political system as well, at least in very large measure (Large Quotes)
When a large number of organs of the press come to advance along the same track, their influence becomes almost irresistible in the long term, and public opinion, struck always from the same side, ends by yielding under their blows (Large Quotes)
I mean to be too rich to lament or to feel anything of the sort. A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of. It certainly may secure all the myrtle and turkey part of it (Large Quotes)
Of all things I liked books best. My father had a large library and whenever I could manage I tried to satisfy my passion for reading (Large Quotes)
Doubts and mistrust are the mere panic of timid imagination, which the steadfast heart will conquer, and the large mind transcend (Large Quotes)
Every city should make the common school so rich, so large, so ample, so beautiful in its endowments, and so fruitful in its results, that a private school will not be able to live under the drip of it (Large Quotes)
The most essential mental quality for a free people, whose liberty is to be progressive, permanent and on a large scale, is much stupidity (Large Quotes)
As from a large heap of flowers many garlands and wreaths are made, so by a mortal in this life there is much good work to be done (Large Quotes)
The powers know that the people at large are like children whose despair, sorrow, and tears can be turned into joy with a little toy... An army and navy represents the people’s toys (Large Quotes)
People are never so likely to be wrong as when they are organized. And they never have so little freedom. Perhaps that is why the people at large keep their freedom. People can be manipulated only when they are organized (Large Quotes)
The general of a large army may be defeated, but you cannot defeat the determined mind of a peasant (Large Quotes)
And what is the state but a servant and a convenience for a large number of people, just like the electric light and the plumbing system? And wouldnt it be preposterous to claim that men must exist for their plumbing, not the plumbing for the men (Large Quotes)
I think it would be folly to expect that women will ever dominate or even approach equal representation in a large number of areas simply because their aptitudes, abilities and interests are different for physiological reasons (Large Quotes)
Most people don’t realize that large pieces of coral, which have been painted brown and attached to the skull by common wood screws, can make a child look like a dear (Large Quotes)
Children are the brightest treasures we bring forth into this world, but too large a percentage of the population continues to treat them as inconveniences and nuisances, when they’re not treating them as possessions or toys (Large Quotes)
Only the small secrets need to be protected. The large ones are kept secret by public incredulity (Large Quotes)
When large numbers of people share their joy in common, the happiness of each is greater because each adds fuel to the other’s flame (Large Quotes)
Deal with difficult tasks while they are easy. Act on large issues while they are small (Large Quotes)
We’d love to be involved with the creation of something very special, something quite large and something quite exciting (Large Quotes)
I don’t like small birds. They hop around so merrily outside my window, looking so innocent. but I know that secretly, they’re watching my every move and plotting to beat me over the head with a large steel pipe and take my shoe (Large Quotes)
Most political leaders acquire their position by causing large numbers of people to believe that these leaders are actuated by altruistic desires (Large Quotes)
It is not given to human beings, happily for them, for otherwise life would be intolerable, to foresee or to predict to any large extent the unfolding course of events (Large Quotes)