Large Quotes

Text Quotes
I have a large seashell collection which I keep scattered on the beaches all over the world. Maybe you’ve seen it (Large Quotes)
If someone can enjoy marching to music in rank and file, I can feel only contempt for him; he has received his large brain by mistake, a spinal cord would have been enough (Large Quotes)
If you’re servant enough, you can shrink into the shadows, even in the bright morning sun and even if you’re large enough to often block it (Large Quotes)
Some people did what their neighbors did so that if any lunatics were at large, one might know and avoid them (Large Quotes)
You ask of my companions. Hills, sir, and the sundown, and a dog as large as myself that my father bought me. They are better than human beings, because they know but do not tell (Large Quotes)
Now I am a writer who can command fairly good payments from magazines with large circulations, I very often refuse to write for them and still write sometimes for small magazines for nothing (Large Quotes)
I think anyone would want to see their favorite band in a small club over a large stadium (Large Quotes)
I’d managed to bite a very large hole in the side of my tongue before they could pry my teeth apart. By all evidence, and there’s no denying it, that thing I had on the set was a fit (Large Quotes)
Large skepticism leads to large understanding. Small skepticism leads to small understanding. No skepticism leads to no understanding (Large Quotes)
Q: Do you find quite a difference between the audience at large and the critics as a group? A: Well, one is a group of human beings, one is not (Large Quotes)
I cannot write at all, but if I could how could I make a little book, when I have seen enough to make a dozen large books? I will not write at all (Large Quotes)
People at large are becoming more aware that there is much more to reality and to themselves than what meets the eye (Large Quotes)
A large number of us have developed a feeling that architects tend to design houses for the approval of fellow architects and critics, not for the tenants (Large Quotes)
We will indulge in all those miscellaneous commercial operations, which when conducted on a small scale are called thieving, but a large scale, financing (Large Quotes)
... It is not wise to keep the fire going under a slander unless you can get some large advantage out of keeping it alive. Few slanders can stand the wear of silence (Large Quotes)
The huge capacity to purchase submission that goes with any large sum of money, well, this we have. This is a power of which we should all be aware (Large Quotes)
The large body of the swan wedged in the shattered glass of the car windscreen fills the film frame. Its head is bent back on itself in a parody of its orthodox gracefulness (Large Quotes)
The first liberating revolutions never destroyed the large landholding powers that always constituted a reactionary force and upheld the principle of servitude on the land (Large Quotes)
We certainly do not regard it as right that the citizens of a large country should dominate those of a small adjoining country merely because they are more numerous (Large Quotes)
Jesus makes large claims for his heavenly father but never mentions that his mother is or was a virgin, and is repeatedly very rude and coarse to her when she makes an appearance (Large Quotes)
If we are to understand the interactions of a large number of agents, we must first be able to describe the capabilities of individual agents (Large Quotes)
The survival of democracy depends on the ability of large numbers of people to make realistic choices in the light of adequate information (Large Quotes)
We often observe that there is abundance of capital to be had at low rates of interest, while there are also large numbers of artisans starving for want of employment (Large Quotes)
For a large number of problems there will be some animal of choice or a few such animals on which it can be most conveniently studied (Large Quotes)
That is one trouble about trading on a large scale. You cannot sneak out as you can when you pike along (Large Quotes)
A large share of our art heritage is now derived from peoples whose idea of art was quite other than ours, and even from peoples to whom the very idea of art meant nothing (Large Quotes)
If there are one or two good ones in a very large family, it is as much as can be expected (Large Quotes)
He marched up and down afore the street door like a peacock, as large as life and twice as natural (Large Quotes)
What I want is to draw inspiration only from the truth... My qualifications for this important role include a large head, an enormous nose, disappointment in love, and expectations of ill health (Large Quotes)
My grandfather’s clock was too large for the shelf, so it stood ninety years on the floor (Large Quotes)