Large Quotes

Text Quotes
Maybe a person’s world can grow bigger in all the right ways, not too wide that it becomes shallow, just large enough to preserve its depth. (Large Quotes)
See the bigger picture of yours and refuse the passport size creature that people think you are! Your nature is large; go for it. Feel free to wake up and print your bigger picture! (Large Quotes)
What surprises me, what amazes me, is that it seems the military people were expecting to stumble on large quantities of gas, chemical weapons and biological weapons. (Large Quotes)
! want to leverage the creativity of researchers across mathematics, statistics, data mining, computer science, biology, medicine, and the public at large. (Large Quotes)
I have a worm’s eye view and a bird’s eye view simultaneously and it’s immensely helpful to understand what is happening on the shop floor when you are harnessing many talents and telling an intimate story on a large scale. (Large Quotes)
Margaret Sanger didn’t just introduce the idea of birth control into our culture at large, she freed women from indenture to their bodies. (Large Quotes)
When his first-born was put into his arms, he could see that the boy had inherited his own eyes, as they once were - large, brilliant, and black. (Large Quotes)
I have always made my own jewelry. I particulary love emeralds and black diamonds, and I’m always wearing large cocktail rings. (Large Quotes)
The most attractive habitats for synthetic sentience might be the vicinities of exceptional sources of energy - for example black holes, or even the neighbourhoods of large stars, which routinely boil off the energy of ten thousand suns. These are the destinations they may seek. (Large Quotes)
We have this interesting problem with black holes. What is a black hole? It is a region of space where you have mass that’s confined to zero volume, which means that the density is infinitely large, which means we have no way of describing, really, what a black hole is! (Large Quotes)
The racism of the Nazis threatened to make whatever we had experienced look like child’s play. If they could be so brutal to the Jews, what would they do to the blacks? So large numbers of black young men and women rallied to the defence of the empire. (Large Quotes)
Blade Runner is one of my favorite films. But, so many thing influenced me that aren’t science fiction because they were just good drama. I grew up watching a lot of French cinema. I was in love with The English Patient, and movies that are very romantic in nature and have a positive message. That’s a large part of my fingerprint. (Large Quotes)
There are still many large white spaces on the map of human knowledge. You can go discover them. So do it. Get out there and fill in the blank spaces. Every single moment is a possibility to go to these new places and explore them. (Large Quotes)
Despite the amazing diversity we’re blessed with in this country, schools are still in large part segregated because of economic disparity. Sports are one of the few areas where kids are really given the opportunity to interact with those of different races and religions. (Large Quotes)
I’m too fast, too sexy and too talented to be blown away by a large, slow robot from the Ukraine. (Large Quotes)
A certain man once lost a diamond cuff-link in the wide blue sea, and twenty years later, on the exact day, a Friday apparently, he was eating a large fish - but there was no diamond inside. That’s what I like about coincidence. (Large Quotes)
When I first ventured into the Gulf of Mexico in the 1950s, the sea appeared to be a blue infinity too large, too wild to be harmed by anything that people could do. (Large Quotes)
I saw for the first time the earth’s shape. I could easily see the shores of continents, islands, great rivers, folds of the terrain, large bodies of water. The horizon is dark blue, smoothly turning to black. . . the feelings which filled me I can express with one word-joy. (Large Quotes)
No art is any good unless you can feel how it’s put together. By and large it’s the eye, the hand and if it’s any good, you feel the body. Most of the best stuff seems to be a complete gesture, the totality of the artist’s body; you can really lean on it. (Large Quotes)
Dehaene even allows himself a few moments of (justifiable) annoyance at the way that childhood reading experts continue their debates about the best strategies for teaching reading to children in complete ignorance of a large and growing body of work on how the human brain processes written language. (Large Quotes)
Many artists I enjoy have a large body of work, and eventually the message is derived out from the sum of its parts. (Large Quotes)
We produce motor drive electronics; we produce cargo systems for large narrow-body and wide-body airplanes and, more importantly, the emergency escape chute that goes on these planes. (Large Quotes)
Business is about people. It’s about passion. It’s about bold ideas, bold small ideas or bold large ideas. (Large Quotes)
Book clubs, both online and in person, have become a large percentage of the reading public, and many of them won’t consider reading books in hardcover. (Large Quotes)
Scholars of the East and West have heroically consecrated their whole working lives to making available, by means of their own disciplines, Sufi literary and philosophical material to the world at large. In many cases they have faithfully recorded the Sufis’ own reiteration that the Way of the Sufis cannot be understood by means of the intellect or by ordinary book learning. (Large Quotes)
An investor who proposes to ignore near-term market fluctuations needs greater resources for safety and must not operate on so large a scale, if at all, with borrowed money. (Large Quotes)
For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by things large and small. I wanted to know what made my watch tick, my radio play, and my house stand. I wanted to know who invented the bottle cap and who designed the bridge. I guess from early on I wanted to be an engineer. (Large Quotes)
If there’s a choice between tap water and bottled water, the consumer can make that choice. In a very large geography in the world, that choice does not exist. (Large Quotes)
The very large brain that humans have, plus the things that go along with it - language, art, science - seemed to have evolved only once. The eye, by contrast, independently evolved 40 times. So, if you were to ‘replay’ evolution, the eye would almost certainly appear again, whereas the big brain probably wouldn’t. (Large Quotes)
Sometimes love will break your heart in two. Or three, depending on if there’s an extra person involved, or how unmanageably large your heart is. (Large Quotes)