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I’d like to see education play a larger role in our daily lives, have people come to a larger understanding - a bigger picture understanding - of how we fit into the world, and how we fit into the universe. Not necessarily thinking of ourselves, but thinking of others. (Larger Quotes)
That is our larger destiny: to allow the Earth to organize in a new way, in a manner impossible all the billions of years prior to humanity (Larger Quotes)
Democracy turns upon and devours itself. Universal suffrage, in theory the palladium of our liberties, becomes the assurance of our slavery. And that slavery will grow more and more abject and ignoble as the differential birth rate, the deliberate encouragement of mendicancy and the failure of popular education produce a larger and larger mass of prehensile half-wits, and so make the demagogues more and more secure. (Larger Quotes)
All my life, Americans have been accustomed to thinking of theirs as ‘the richest, freest’ country in the world. By most measurements, it was long a contender for that honor, and - among the larger countries, if equal weight were given to wealth and indices of freedom - probably did deserve to be so described. (Larger Quotes)
The term black metal has become a lot looser, or can include a larger range of sounds and extra-musical aesthetics, not just Satan and power chords. (Larger Quotes)
America loves the representation of its heroes to be not just larger than life, but stupendously, awesomely bigger than anything else. If blue whales built statues to each other they’d be smaller then these. (Larger Quotes)
When the book is over, I think of innovative marketing ways to reach to a larger audience. I think wine and cheese book launch parties are a waste. (Larger Quotes)
Recently a study proved that working from a larger, less cluttered computer screen increases concentration. I could have told them that. And yes, I write first drafts with a mechanical pencil and a yellow legal pad. There’s good reason for this primitive behavior: I am a crackerjack typist. My hand moves far more quickly than my brain. (Larger Quotes)
Only a consistent, ongoing, deep experience can make a lasting media brand: one that has a commitment from a core community and the respect of a larger reading public. (Larger Quotes)
There is not a single indication in man’s wonderful mechanism that he was created for a life of poverty. There is something larger and grander for him in the divine plan than perpetual slavery to the bread-winning problem. (Larger Quotes)
I remember seeing my father only twice as a child for brief visits. As I grew up, I invented a father who was larger than life - stronger, smarter, more handsome, and even holier than other men. (Larger Quotes)
In a much larger sense, the problem of Sabah is directly influenced by the duplicity of imperial Britain. For whatever devious reason, the dismantling of the British empire created divisions and violence due to ethnic and religious differences. (Larger Quotes)
And at the other end of the bar the world is full of the other type of person, who has a broken glass, or a glass that has been carelessly knocked over (usually by one of the people calling for a larger glass) or who had no glass at all, because he was at the back of the crowd and had failed to catch the barman’s eye. (Larger Quotes)
Sometimes I use my jokes as building blocks for larger bits. I like to draw and play music, so sometimes I do those things along with the jokes. (Larger Quotes)
Show business is part of a larger culture, a world-wide culture that must make up to the fact that the accumulation of things doesn’t make a life necessary any happier or purposeful. (Larger Quotes)
The advantage of the consumer businesses is they tend to be much broader-based, much larger number of customers, that tend to over time be a lot more predictable. The advantage of the enterprise companies is they are not as subject to consumer trend, fad, behavior. (Larger Quotes)
Whether you are buying a car or casting a ballot, choosing a job or planning a family, follow your moral compass. Don’t let others define you. Don’t let advertisers mold you; don’t let zealots ensnare you; don’t let conventional wisdom trap are part of a much larger whole. (Larger Quotes)
Health care costs are an issue both for the government and for our larger economy (Larger Quotes)
Has there ever been a dance career with more ups and downs than Twyla Tharp’s? Or with more varied ambitions? Or larger ambition? (Larger Quotes)
When you’re wearing jeans there’s a shift in your center of gravity. A costume like this and a character like this, there’s no way to hide. If you try and play him any way sort of modern or normal, you diminish. He’s larger than life. He’s 150 percent. You’ve got to go for it all the time. It was just impossible. (Larger Quotes)
There was a real fear that a euro-zone bank might fail, that we’d have a sovereign debt problem in one of the larger European economies. That’s dissipated, thanks largely to the action of the European Central Bank. (Larger Quotes)
We see very, very high rates of C-sections, Cesarean sections, in India. Lots of reasons for it, high levels of malnutrition have meant that women have very small pelvic areas often, so if they have larger babies, it’s very hard to deliver. (Larger Quotes)
Men are but children of a larger growth, Our appetites as apt to change as theirs, And full as craving too, and full as vain. (Larger Quotes)
I think of childhood as an explosion of creativity. For most people, growing up and earning a living means leaving all that behind. But an artist never leaves that behind. Edwin Mullhouse was my way of exploring the child as artist and, under the guise of childhood, something larger. (Larger Quotes)
My whole career has been fulfilling my childhood fantasies, playing characters that are larger than life, getting to play a knight, an elf, a prince and a soldier. (Larger Quotes)
Education is the great growth industry of the Third World. Since the Second World War, we have multiplied the number of children in school by four, with even larger multiples for secondary and university education. (Larger Quotes)
I think of myself as living so much outside borders or old categories that I choose as my leaders U2, the Dalai Lama, Vaclav Havel, Sigur Ros, Desmond Tutu, Barack Obama, and the girl next door. By definition, in short, my leaders are the ones who think in terms larger, and more intimate, than any country. (Larger Quotes)
The majesty of the American Jewish experience is in its success marrying its unique Jewish identity with the larger, liberal values of the United States. There is no need anymore to choose between assimilation and separation. We are accepted as equals. (Larger Quotes)
Camera lies all the time. It’s all it does is lie, because when you choose this moment instead of this moment, when you... the moment you’ve made a choice, you’re lying about something larger. ‘Lying’ is an ugly word. I don’t mean lying. But any artist picks and chooses what they want to paint or write about or say. Photographers are the same. (Larger Quotes)
Speaking as a biologist, I think women are less aggressive than men, and they play a larger role in the early education of the young and helping them overcome their genetic heirloom. (Larger Quotes)