Larry Wall Quotes
Text Quotes
To be a good artist, you have to serve the work of art and allow it to be what it is supposed to be (Larry Wall Quotes)
Somebody out there is going to do something that’s far more surprising than anything that I would do. I was surprised by the whole web thing in the first place (Larry Wall Quotes)
Younger hackers are hard to classify. They’re probably just as diverse as the old hackers are. We’re all over the map (Larry Wall Quotes)
I won’t mention any names, because I don’t want to get sun4’s into trouble (Larry Wall Quotes)
Unix is like a toll road on which you have to stop every 50 feet to pay another nickel. But hey! You only feel 5 cents poorer each time (Larry Wall Quotes)
Real theology is always rather shocking to people who already think they know what they think. I’m still shocked myself (Larry Wall Quotes)
The computer should be doing the hard work. That’s what it’s paid to do, after all (Larry Wall Quotes)
The random quantum fluctuations of my brain are historical accidents that happen to have decided that the concepts of dynamic scoping and lexical scoping are orthogonal and should remain that way (Larry Wall Quotes)
Part of language design is perturbing the proposed feature in various directions to see how it might generalize in the future (Larry Wall Quotes)
It would be possible to optimize some forms of goto, but I haven’t bothered (Larry Wall Quotes)
I wouldn’t ever write the full sentence myself, but then, I never use goto either (Larry Wall Quotes)
It is my job in life to travel all roads, so that some may take the road less travelled, and others the road more travelled, and all have a pleasant day (Larry Wall Quotes)
I’m afraid my gut level reaction is basically, proceed is cute, but cute doesn’t cut it in the emergency room (Larry Wall Quotes)
You can’t have filenames longer than 14 chars. You can’t even think about them! (Larry Wall Quotes)
Perl is designed to give you several ways to do anything, so consider picking the most readable one (Larry Wall Quotes)
The problem with being consistent is that there are lots of ways to be consistent, and they’re all inconsistent with each other (Larry Wall Quotes)
Now, I’m not the only language designer with irrationalities. You can think of some languages to go with some of these things (Larry Wall Quotes)
The purpose of most computer languages is to lengthen your resume by a word and a comma (Larry Wall Quotes)
True greatness is measured by how much freedom you give to others, not by how much you can coerce others to do what you want (Larry Wall Quotes)
Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris (Larry Wall Quotes)
What you'll need most is courage. It is not an easy path that you've set your foot upon (Larry Wall Quotes)
You can never entirely stop being what you once were. That’s why it’s important to be the right person today, and not put it off till tomorrow (Larry Wall Quotes)
Yes, but I did manage to increase the amount of virginity in the world by that method (Larry Wall Quotes)
It’s easier to make up sayings people like to hear than sayings they like to heed (Larry Wall Quotes)
The trouble with being quoted a lot is that it makes other people think you’re quoting yourself when in fact you’re merely repeating yourself (Larry Wall Quotes)
I’m sorry, but you just made me lose my sense of humor, which is deeply regrettable (Larry Wall Quotes)
I’m sure that that could be indented more readably, but I’m scared of the awk parser (Larry Wall Quotes)
There are still some other things to do, so don’t think if I didn’t fix your favorite bug that your bug report is in the bit bucket (Larry Wall Quotes)
If someone stinks, view it as a reason to help them, not a reason to avoid them (Larry Wall Quotes)
As usual, I’m overstating the case to knock a few neurons loose, but the truth is usually somewhere in the muddle, uh, middle (Larry Wall Quotes)