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Larynx Quotes

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It was not the man’s brain that was speaking; it was his larynx  (Larynx Quotes) Singing lessons are like body building for your larynx  (Larynx Quotes) Remember that the pharynx is at a crossroads from which leads off, at the top, the passage to the mouth cavity and the passage to the nasal cavity, and below, the passage to the larynx  (Larynx Quotes) Lord, confound this surly sister, blight her brow with blotch and blister, cramp her larynx, lung and liver, in her guts a galling give her  (Larynx Quotes) The medium of poetry is a human body: the column of air inside the chest, shaped into signifying sounds in the larynx and the mouth. In this sense, poetry is just as physical or bodily an art as dancing  (Larynx Quotes) I don’t write poetry when I wish, I write when I can’t, when my larynx is flooded and my throat is shut  (Larynx Quotes)