Laughter Quotes

Text Quotes
Any philosophical and theoretical assurance that laughter is unique to the human being becomes somewhat unsure when one turns to the anthropological literature. (Laughter Quotes)
I believe in the healing power of laughter. I believe laughter forces us to breathe. (Laughter Quotes)
I like playing with that space between laughter and discomfort where your discomfort can also make you laugh, and you’re confused about the mixed feelings. That’s challenging, and I think that’s what makes for some of the best art. (Laughter Quotes)
Love, friendship, laughter... Some of the best things in life really are free. (Laughter Quotes)
In our house we don’t take ourselves too seriously, and laughter is the best form of unity, I think, in a marriage. (Laughter Quotes)
Laughter is the best medicine - unless you’re diabetic, then insulin comes pretty high on the list. (Laughter Quotes)
I think laughter is the best medicine. If you can’t laugh at yourself, then you can’t laugh at life and the silliness of it all. (Laughter Quotes)
I would say laughter is the best medicine. But it’s more than that. It’s an entire regime of antibiotics and steroids. Laughter brings the swelling down on our national psyche and then applies an antibiotic cream. You gotta keep it away from your eyes. (Laughter Quotes)
I would say laughter is the best medicine. But it’s more than that. It’s an entire regime of antibiotics and steroids. (Laughter Quotes)
If laughter is the best medicine, I promise to continue to make you laugh as my wife and I work together with the National Kidney Foundation to save lives. (Laughter Quotes)
For those who believe in the quote, Laughter is the best medicine and are looking for a divorce quote on the lighter side, the following divorce sayings range from mildly humorous to outrageously funny: Men are just like a book - with a beginning, middle and an end. (Laughter Quotes)
The best things in life are free. And it is important never to lose sight of that. So look around you. Wherever you see friendship, loyalty, laughter, and love...there is your treasure. (Laughter Quotes)
This card comes with best wishes for a day that’s fun all through, a day of love and laughter especially for you. (Laughter Quotes)
We’re sending you best wishes And hope your day goes well And that you’ll find some memories With stories you can tell Of how you had a marvelous time And those around you too With fun and lots of laughter And all this just for you.. Have a Very Happy Birthday (Laughter Quotes)
There is always laughter out of the speeding vehicles for the man who is still, half-way though he be in a better direction. (Laughter Quotes)
But whoever gives birth to useless children, what would you say of him except that he has bred sorrows for himself, and furnishes laughter for his enemies. (Laughter Quotes)
Happy Birthday to you hope your day is full of fun, and a day of laughter until the setting of the sun. (Laughter Quotes)
Laughter and bitterness are often the veils with which a sore heart wraps its weakness from the world. (Laughter Quotes)
Sometimes in order to help He makes us cry Happy the eye that sheds tears for His sake Fortunate the heart that burns for His sake Laughter always follow tears Blessed are those who understand Life blossoms wherever water flows Where tears are shed divine mercy is shown (Laughter Quotes)
God cannot be solemn, or he would not have blessed man with the incalculable gift of laughter (Laughter Quotes)
Here it comes, she said with an expression of pure bliss. Drug rush ... any moment now ... the surge of warmth ... bye-bye, Mr. Pain... Vee- Knock, knock. This is really important- Knock, knock. It’s about Elliot- Knock, knoooock, she said in a singsong voice. I sighed. Who’s there? Boo. Boo who? Boo-hoo, somebody’s crying, and it’s not me! She broke into hysterical laughter. (Laughter Quotes)
Tickle Monster’ is an interactive book and, by the nature of the story, bonds the parent and child through tickling and laughter. (Laughter Quotes)
For me, books have been a life-long resource-to learning, laughter, solace, excitement, inspiration. At your library, the world awaits you, free for the asking. (Laughter Quotes)
What a strange machine man is! You fill him with bread, wine, fish, and radishes, and out comes sighs, laughter, and dreams. (Laughter Quotes)
Meadowlark and I share a common vision of bringing joy and laughter to others (Laughter Quotes)
I love making things, like software, and films, and laughter. And working with Gus Silber, to make the Funny Business book, has been a fantastic journey. (Laughter Quotes)
I remember one day, when things were going frightfully well, I went to buy myself a really smashing car. I asked them to show me a Porsche with an automatic gearbox, and the salesman called over all the other salesmen, and they stood around absolutely roaring with laughter. (Laughter Quotes)
I couldn’t get the laughter out of my head. It wasn’t career. It wasn’t even a choice. It was a calling. (Laughter Quotes)
You should celebrate the end of a love affair as they celebrate death in New Orleans, with songs, laughter, dancing and a lot of wine. (Laughter Quotes)
I started quite young at school, compering a charity event at an old people’s home. I would do stand up and impressions and enjoyed the laughter. It’s very addictive. It’s a lovely sensation to say something and hear a whole room laugh. (Laughter Quotes)