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Law Quotes

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Proceedings at law are sufficiently expensive  (Law Quotes) Without law or compulsion, men would dwell in harmony  (Law Quotes) Law: The only game where the best players get to sit on the bench  (Law Quotes) Everything in nature acts in conformity with law  (Law Quotes) Never create by law what can be accomplished by morality  (Law Quotes) The worst law is better than bureaucratic tyranny  (Law Quotes) Hug a police officer. It’s the law!  (Law Quotes) Necessity knows no law except to conquer  (Law Quotes) Law is a very addictive profession  (Law Quotes) When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty  (Law Quotes) One law for lion and ox is oppression  (Law Quotes) Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law  (Law Quotes) Gettin’ dressed up for court, that’s a law suit  (Law Quotes) Famous people are above the law,  (Law Quotes) No one -- absolutely no one -- is above the law,  (Law Quotes) No man is above the law, and no man is below it  (Law Quotes) I think a basic principle of our Constitution is nobody above the law  (Law Quotes) Love and respect are above any law  (Law Quotes) As a lawyer I am before and above all things for the supremacy of law  (Law Quotes) I went to law school after college  (Law Quotes) Well you know, all law is about injustice  (Law Quotes) Based on the law of probability everything is possible because the sheer existence of possibility confirms the existence of impossibility  (Law Quotes) There is something perfect to be found in the imperfect: the law keeps balance through the juxtaposition of beauty, which gains perfection through nurtured imperfection  (Law Quotes) Get rid of the guns. We had the Second Amendment that said you have the right to bear arms. I haven't seen the British really coming by my house looking for it. And besides, the right to bear arms is not an absolute right anyway, as New York's Sullivan Law proves. We talk about ourselves as a violent society, and some of that is right and some of it is claptrap. But I think if you took away the guns, and I mean really take away the guns, not what Congress is doing now, you would see that violent society diminish considerably  (Law Quotes) The only way to discourage the gun culture is to remove the guns from the hands and shoulders of people who are not in the law enforcement business  (Law Quotes) I am rather of the opinion that in England a gentleman's dreams are his own private concern. I fancy there is a law in that effect and, if there is not, why, Parliament should certainly be made to pass one immediately! It ill becomes another man to invite himself into them  (Law Quotes) There's an unwritten law of the universe which assures that the thing you seek will always be found in the last place you look. It applies to everything in life from lost socks to misplaced poisons  (Law Quotes) The courageous testimony of Dr. Faust that a maiden's smile is more precious than history, philosophy, education, religion, law, politics, economics, and all the other branches of learning. Learning is another name for vanity. It is the effort of human beings not to be human beings  (Law Quotes) The State became the master. The national element moved from the realm of form to the realm of content; it became what was most central and essential, turning the socialist element into a mere wrapping, a verbal husk, an empty shell. Thus was made manifest, with tragic clarity, a sacred law of life: Human freedom stands above everything. There is no end in the world for the sake of which it is permissible to sacrifice human freedom  (Law Quotes) Criminal law is one of the few professions where the client buys someone else's luck. The luck of most people is strictly non-transferrable. But a good criminal lawyer can sell all his luck to a client, and the more luck he sells the more he has to sell  (Law Quotes)
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