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Law Quotes

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I am opposed to the laying down of rules or conditions to be observed in the construction of bridges lest the progress of improvement tomorrow might be embarrassed or shackled by recording or registering as law the prejudices or errors of today  (Law Quotes) What white man has ever seen me drunk? Who has ever come to me hungry and left me unfed? Who has seen me beat my wives or abuse my children? What law have I broken?  (Law Quotes) Sexual harassment law is very important. But I think it would be a mistake if the sexual harassment law movement is the only way in which feminism is known in the media  (Law Quotes) No, moral conscience is one thing, the law is another. We have to hold onto this difference  (Law Quotes) We will that all men know we blame not all the lords, nor all those that are about the king’s person, nor all gentlemen nor yeomen, nor all men of law, nor all bishops, nor all priests, but all such as may be found guilty by just and true inquiry and by the law  (Law Quotes) If the law is a bad law, there is always the contingent right to take action that you would not otherwise take  (Law Quotes) The rule of law should be upheld by all political parties. They should neither advise others to break the law, nor encourage others to do so even when they strongly disagree with the legislation put forward by the government of the day  (Law Quotes) You will feel the full force of the law and if you are old enough to commit these crimes you are old enough to face the punishments. And to these people I would say this: you are not only wrecking the lives of others, you are potentially wrecking your own life too  (Law Quotes) There is insufficient support for the police and safety and law enforcement, in general, in the city council  (Law Quotes) The backbone of our nation’s domestic defense against terrorist attacks will continue to be the men and women in local law enforcement and emergency services  (Law Quotes) I can’t come on like a parent to these kids, if I do, I won’t be able to have fun working with them. The good news is they all have parents. The younger ones, their parents by law have to be on set  (Law Quotes) The law will argue any thing, with any body who will pay the law for the use of its brains and its time  (Law Quotes) I don’t miss being a reporter as a job, but I do miss the everyday interaction with the front line of law enforcement. I still have a cadre of cops who keep me up to date, but I don’t have the access I used to  (Law Quotes) Success comprises in itself the seeds of its own decline and sport is not spared by this law  (Law Quotes) Through the centuries, men of law have been persistently concerned with the resolution of disputes in ways that enable society to achieve its goals with a minimum of force and maximum of reason  (Law Quotes) I chose to go to law school because I thought that someday, somehow I’d make a difference  (Law Quotes) I no longer teach law. But when I did I advised my students that they should never accept a case if it meant that by doing so you couldn’t sleep at night  (Law Quotes) While teaching, I also worked undercover in the lower courts by saying I was a young law teacher wanting experience in criminal law. The judges were happy to assist me but what I learned was how corrupt the lower courts were. Judges were accepting money right in the courtroom  (Law Quotes) Well, there’s no question that the law passed in 1996 was flawed. It deregulated the wholesale market, meaning the price that the utilities had to pay energy companies for power, but not the retail market  (Law Quotes) Some people wish above all to conform to the rules, I wish only to render what I can hear. There is no theory. You have only to listen. Pleasure is the law  (Law Quotes) To this day I get mail from women who say, I went to law school because of your song. But I would hate to think out of the wide spectrum of things I have done in my career, that’s all I would be remembered for  (Law Quotes) Whoever claims that economic competition represents survival of the fittest in the sense of the law of the jungle, provides the clearest possible evidence of his lack of knowledge of economics  (Law Quotes) In recent years, the choice of drugs on these reservations and throughout my district has been methamphetamines. It has destroyed the rule of law among the reservation people. It is killing our tribal youth in this country  (Law Quotes) I’ve had women come up to me and say I was the reason they went to law school  (Law Quotes) Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty  (Law Quotes) Any law which violates the inalienable rights of man is essentially unjust and tyrannical; it is not a law at all  (Law Quotes) Claims of right and insistence upon obligations may depend upon treaty stipulations, or upon the rules of international law, or upon the sense of natural justice applied to the circumstances of a particular case, or upon disputed facts  (Law Quotes) The law of the survival of the fittest led inevitably to the survival and predominance of the men who were effective in war and who loved it because they were effective  (Law Quotes) Again, I shall be told that the law presumes the husband to be kind, affectionate, and ready to provide for and protect his wife. But what right, I ask, has the law to presume at all on the subject?  (Law Quotes) The law of unintended consequences pushes us ceaselessly through the years, permitting no pause for perspective  (Law Quotes)
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