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Law Quotes

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This is the sheriff you’re talking about, with a gun and badge that enforces the law. Nothing is going to stop me from cracking down on illegal immigration as long as the laws are there  (Law Quotes) Military dictatorship is born from the power of the gun, and so it undermines the concept of the rule of law and gives birth to a culture of might, a culture of weapons, violence and intolerance  (Law Quotes) There should be a worldwide law, in my opinion, that mothers should breastfeed their babies for six months  (Law Quotes) My intention in making a comment about the importance of breastfeeding has nothing to do with the law. It comes from my passion and beliefs about children  (Law Quotes) Great countries need to secure their border for national security purposes, for economic purposes and for rule of law purposes  (Law Quotes) In any society that is governed by the rule of law, some form of morality is always imposed. It’s inescapable  (Law Quotes) On the television planet, where men make up the tribe, the law of the caveman rules. So, for a woman coming from another world, without experience or cunning, to succeed gradually in gaining control over what is to be taped, what goes out over the air, what is said without censorship, is an epic feat  (Law Quotes) I’ve always been tremendously interested in criminal law. It goes to a deep interest I have in prisons and the criminal element, and what we do as a society with it. I’ve always been touched by the idea of criminality  (Law Quotes) Society is an organism which obeys the immutable law of progress; and change, judicious and cautious change, is necessary for the well being, and indeed the preservation of the social system  (Law Quotes) ... we are obliged to produce the truth by the power that demands truth and needs it in order to function: we are constrained, we are condemned to admit the truth or to discover it. Power constantly asks questions and questions us; it constantly investigates and records; it institutionalizes the search for the truth, professionalizes it, and rewards it.... In a different sense, we are also subject to the truth in the sense that truth lays down the law: it is the discourse of truth that decides, at least in part; it conveys and propels effects of power  (Law Quotes) The simplest way for me to look at the law of attraction is if I think of myself as a magnet, and I know that a magnet will attract to it  (Law Quotes) If you are going to make a change, don’t go halfway. Make it with conviction and stick with your new idea. Ignore the scoffers. Remember, it is a law of nature that if something is different you’re going to be taunted, jeered, and told the world is flat. Let the doubters fall off the edge  (Law Quotes) Unbounded morality ultimately becomes counterproductive even in terms of the same moral principles being sought. The law of diminishing returns applies to morality  (Law Quotes) The law of simplicity and naïveté applies to all fine art, for it is compatible with what is most sublime  (Law Quotes) Life is a struggle, from the agonies of birth to the railing against death. Devour or be devoured. The law of the wild  (Law Quotes) When things could’ve gone really bad, rugby caught my interest and I really stuck with it. The sport brought me, maybe off the streets where we’d be fighting, into putting in a good effort in the rugby field where you’re kind of rewarded for that rough behaviour instead of in trouble with the law  (Law Quotes) I know how to take good ideas and turn them into sensible law at great odds  (Law Quotes) I’m big into social studies, the humanities. I really love history and world issues and philosophy and law  (Law Quotes) Businesses should be assured that law enforcement will operate with the utmost sensitivity toward victims of cyber attacks  (Law Quotes) There are enough high hurdles to climb, as one travels through life, without having to scale artificial barriers created by law or silly regulations  (Law Quotes) From the very beginning, our state and national constitutions and laws have laid great emphasis on procedural and substantive safeguards designed to assure fair trials before impartial tribunals in which every defendant stands equal before the law. This noble ideal cannot be realized if the poor man charged with crime has to face his accusers without a lawyer to assist him  (Law Quotes) All genuine progress results from finding new facts. No law can be passed to make an acre yield three hundred bushels. God has already established the laws. It is four us to discover them, and to learn the facts by which we can obey them  (Law Quotes) The most fundamental law of tragedy is that the moments of greatest happiness are the hardest to attain  (Law Quotes) Karma is simply the law of cause and effect in action. All moments and occurrences are caused by other moments and occurrences that preceded them in an endless, causal chain  (Law Quotes) Artists see the world in a very different way than everyone else, and it’s important when the artist points a lens at the law  (Law Quotes) And if you have a law that isn’t working, and you have thousands and thousands and millions of people, then the terrorists hide among them. And we have to have a law that makes sense  (Law Quotes) Ninety percent of our police are fighting terrorists, so we don’t have enough oriented towards their key duty, which is enforcement of the law. But these are precisely the inheritance that we want to overcome. Particularly the mark for success for us would be that a woman can not only walk in the streets of every major city, but can go from one province to another without any hindrance  (Law Quotes) When people’s love is divided by law, it is the law that needs to change  (Law Quotes) For as laws are necessary that good manners be preserved, so there is need of good manners that law may be maintained  (Law Quotes) If it weren’t for the law, I would steal books; if it weren’t for my purse, I would buy them  (Law Quotes)
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