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Law Quotes

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Nor is there any law more just, than that he who has plotted death shall perish by his own plot  (Law Quotes) The history of human growth is at the same time the history of every new idea heralding the approach of a brighter dawn, and the brighter dawn has always been considered illegal, outside of the law  (Law Quotes) A husband and wife ought to continue united so long as they love each other. Any law which should bind them to cohabitation for one moment after the decay of their affection would be a most intolerable tyranny, and the most unworthy of toleration  (Law Quotes) The attempt to make the consumption of beer criminal is as silly and as futile as if you passed a law to send a man to jail for eating cucumber salad  (Law Quotes) Law is no explanation of anything; law is simply a generalization, a category of facts. Law is neither a cause, nor a reason, nor a power, nor a coercive force. It is nothing but a general formula, a statistical table  (Law Quotes) Property exists by grace of the law. It is not a fact, but a legal fiction  (Law Quotes) It is not possible to make a bad law. If is is bad, it is not a law  (Law Quotes) Opulence is the law of the universe, an abundant supply for every need if nothing is put in the way of its coming  (Law Quotes) When the mind is attuned to the cosmic law, all the laws of nature are in perfect harmony with the aspirations of the mind  (Law Quotes) The naturalists of yore esteemed the ocean to be a treasury of wonders, and sought therein for monstrosities and organisms contrary to the law of nature, such as they interpreted it  (Law Quotes) As a father,supports his sons, so let the eldest support his younger brothers, and let them also in accordance with the law behave towards their eldest brother as sons,behave  (Law Quotes) When the purpose of the appointment to,cohabit with the widow bas been attained in accordance with the law, those two shall behave towards each other like a father and a daughter in law  (Law Quotes) By twice born men a widow must not be appointed to,cohabit with any other,than her husband, for they who appoint,her to another,man, will violate the eternal law  (Law Quotes) All my novels are about the ambiguities that lie beneath the sharp edges of the law  (Law Quotes) There are no limits to your possibilities! Your successes will multiply and increase in proportion to your mastery of the law  (Law Quotes) The less manifest the work, the stronger: as though a secret law demanded it always be hidden in what it shows, thus showing what must remain hidden, only showing it, in the end, by dissimulation  (Law Quotes) I pledge to respect and protect the constitution and the law of my country and to carry out my duties to the best of my ability  (Law Quotes) There can be no question of selecting in any direction, but of penetrating the whole cosmic law of rhythms, forces and material that are the real world, from the ugliest to the most beautiful, everything that has character and expression, from the crudest and most brutal to the gentlest and most delicate; everything that speaks to us in its capacity as life  (Law Quotes) My father didn’t think being an artist was a respectable or worthy goal for a man. He hoped I would see my way to more serious work and would find myself turning towards medicine, law, or business  (Law Quotes) The positive thinker, on the contrary, constantly sends out positive thoughts, together with vital mental images of hope, optimism and creativity. He therefore activates the world around him positively and strongly tends to draw back to himself positive results. This, too, is a basic law of mind action  (Law Quotes) A basic law: the more you practice the art of thankfulness, the more you have to be thankful for  (Law Quotes) Religion belongs to the realm that is inviolable before the law of causation and therefore closed to science  (Law Quotes) The quantum hypothesis will eventually find its exact expression in certain equations which will be a more exact formulation of the law of causality  (Law Quotes) Do not talk to me of goodness, of abstract justice, of nature law. Necessity is the highest law, public welfare is the highest justice  (Law Quotes) God never made something out of nothing; it is not in the economy or law by which the worlds were, are, or will exist  (Law Quotes) The great lawyer who employs his talent and his learning in the highly emunerative task of enabling a very wealthy client to override or circumvent the law is doing all that in him lies to encourage the growth in the country of a spirit of dumb anger against all laws and of disbelief in their efficacy  (Law Quotes) The secret of the law of abundance is this: In order to receive and appreciate the good things of life, you must first give  (Law Quotes) When you expect the best you release a magnetic force in your mind which by a law of attraction tends to bring the best to you  (Law Quotes) Let us seek to extend the present life to the uttermost by observing every law of health, and by properly balancing labor, study, rest and recreation  (Law Quotes) We never will have any prosperity that is free from speculation till we pass a law that every time a broker or person sells something, he has got to have it sitting there in a bucket, or a bag, or a jug, or a cage, or a rat trap, or something, depending on what it is he is selling. We are continually buying something that we never get from a man that never had it  (Law Quotes)
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