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Law Quotes

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Comprehensibility is the highest law of all. Unity must be there. There must be means of ensuring it. All the things familiar to us from primitive life must also be used in works of art  (Law Quotes) You cannot make a demand on your life that exceeds your belief about it. Your belief is creating a personal law. It’s not the truth, but a lie believed will act like a law until it’s neutralized  (Law Quotes) If, occasionally, historical evidence does not square with formulated laws, it should be remembered that a law is but a deduction from experience and experiment, and therefore laws must conform with historical facts, not facts with laws  (Law Quotes) A large plural society cannot be governed without recognizing that, transcending its plural interests, there is a rational order with a superior common law  (Law Quotes) The law is a battery, which protects all that is behind it, but sweeps with destruction all that is outside  (Law Quotes) The precepts of the law may be comprehended under these three points: to live honestly, to hurt no man willfully, and to render every man his due carefully  (Law Quotes) Law intends indeed to do service to human life, but it is not able when men do not choose to accept her services; for it is only in those who are obedient to her that she displays her special virtue  (Law Quotes) The only thing that can set aside a law as wrong is a better law, or an idea of a better law. And the only thing that an give a law the quality of better or worse is the concrete result which it promotes or fails to promote  (Law Quotes) Every ruler must remember three things. Firstly, that he rules man; secondly, that he rules according to law, and thirdly, that he does not rule for ever  (Law Quotes) An injurious lie is an uncommendable thing; and so, also, and in the same degree, is an injurious truth a fact that is recognized by the law of libel  (Law Quotes) We refuse to have our conscience bound by any work or law, so that by doing this or that we should be righteous, or leaving this or that undone we should be damned  (Law Quotes) Lysander said that the law spoke too softly to be heard in such a noise of war  (Law Quotes) Ignorance of the law is no good excuse, where every man is bound to take notice of the laws to which he is subject  (Law Quotes) For all laws are general judgements, or sentences of the legislator; as also every particular judgement is a law to him whose case is judged  (Law Quotes) A lawyer’s duty is to read the law well himself, then tell the people what it is, and let them act upon it  (Law Quotes) Those who believe that... detailed rules originate in a certain cause, are as far from the truth as those who assume that the whole law is useless  (Law Quotes) The universal and absolute law is that natural justice which cannot be written down, but which appeals to the hearts of all  (Law Quotes) The thief or swindler who has gained great wealth by his delinquency has a better chance than the small thief of escaping the rigorous penalty of the law  (Law Quotes) When in all the nations of the world the rule of law is the darling of the leaders and the plague of the people, we ought to begin to recognize this  (Law Quotes) It’s a strange thing, we think that law brings order. Law doesn’t. How do we know that law does not bring order? Look around us. We live under the rule of law. Notice how much order we have?  (Law Quotes) Just as women needed the help of the law to enter the workplace in the 20th century, men will need the help of the law to love their children in the 21st century  (Law Quotes) If man looks within himself he must perceive two things: a law of right, and that which it condemns  (Law Quotes) Of course you got rights, the law’s on your side, but sometimes the law takes a long time to kick in and so it gets put in the hands of us poor suckers on duty. You get my drift?  (Law Quotes) There is a divergence between private and social accounting that the market fails to register. One essential task of law and government is to institute the necessary conditions  (Law Quotes) The early 1970s was a time when illegal acts were in style. Everybody was going nuts with causes, most of them against the law  (Law Quotes) We don’t pay judges to think; we pay judges to rule on the law  (Law Quotes) We will ensure that nobody is above the law and demand an end to the instability and armed chaos  (Law Quotes) There is one law for rich and poor alike, which prevents them equally from stealing bread and sleeping under bridges  (Law Quotes) Well yet, this life such as it is, yet we love it, and loath we are to end it; and if it be in hazard by the law, what running, riding, posting, suing, bribing, and if all will not serve, what breaking prison is there for it!  (Law Quotes) The law should be the point at which savagery ended because civilization stood in its path  (Law Quotes)
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